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Monday, March 10, 2008

Have you seen this?

While working on Saturday night someone asked me if I have seen the show Jon & Kate plus 8. Have you? Just take a moment to watch at least one episode, and trust me you will appreciate your 1, 2, 3, or 4 children you have!! These people are amazing (and I'm sure have multiple nannies). They had twins, and tried for one more...and you guessed it, got 6 more! Can you even imagine having 6, two year olds!?!? I will not complain about my very boring, uneventful life again! Savannah is not the handfull that I thought ;).
jon and kate plus 8


Kehl Fam said...

Funny you should talk about this show! It is one of my favorites. We tivo it and watch all episodes. I figure it will make me feel like life is smooth sailing when I have a baby one day. Kate is amazing! She is so organized - exactly the Mom I hope to be!

Anonymous said...

I'm addicted to this show!