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Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Bucket List - revised

If you haven't seen this movie, it's a must. If you didn't like it, you are crazy. =) This definitely goes on my list of favorite movies.
I have wanted to make my own bucket list since seeing this movie in the theater. My list definitely isn't anything too extravagant, but all things I want to do. AND not in order of how I want do them.

*See the White House
*Go to Niagara Falls
*Go to a Pro Football game...paint my face and scream SUPER loud!!
*Go to a Nascar Race, and wear something really white trash. =)
*Go to the horse races, and I think that it's a must to wear one of those big I can look high class.
*Read the Book of Mormon.
*Rent an RV and do a cross country vacation with my family.
*Go on an African Safari. I would love it!
*See the Statue of Liberty.
*Go to Ground 0.
*Watch Savannah play on the beach.
*Be a stay at home Mommy. (Not sure if I'll like it, but I'll give it a whirl!)
*Be a room mother.
*Go on a field trip with Savannah.
*Try an all natural birth. (Brave huh!?)

I'm sure I'll add some more, but this is it for now. Short and sweet!

What would be on your bucket list?


Christina said...

I loved that movie. Jake didn't want to see it so I saw it with my parents. I'd have to agree with you and add Niagra Falls to my Bucket List. I also wouldn't mind adding riding a zipline to my list either. I've never been on one.

Meagen Ridley said...

My list can be found here:

I haven't updated it in a while though!!

Susan said...

I NEED to see this movie...I keep hearing about how great it is! Off to redbox!

Emily Christine said...

I loved this movie. I'm working on my list Von. I am up for the movie anytime- I am going to be gone to Bear Lake from the 23-28.

Unknown said...

Ooo I loved that good. I need to make a list too. I'm so afraid of not doing any of the things...but who cares right?