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Saturday, July 26, 2008


There is always pros and cons to living far away from family. Unfortunately, I think that Savannah is the one that suffers the most. I find myself trying to make up for her not having Grandparents accessible.
I was having a picked on moment today while I made 7 layer bars (a Sell tradition). Besides the fact that I don't cook...I thought I really shouldn't be doing this. I had the same thought while making sugar cookies (a Bulkley tradition). I wish that Savannah's Grandparents could do these things with her. =(
My Grandparents weren't a huge part of my life growing up, and I was always jealous of my friends. It makes me sad that Savannah is growing up so quickly, and it's being missed by important people. Before we all know it Savannah won't want to hang out with any of us. lol
Savannah loves you.
Savannah misses you.
I miss you.
I love you.
I'll keep bloggin', and hope that you can share in my fun memories of Savannah.

PS Debbie, I hope this is how they are suppose to look? I haven't tested them yet to see if I "might" have gotten it right.


Unknown said...

I am feeling this post!! My mom lives in Northern Utah and can't drive, so the only way we get to see her is driving up there. Mark's mom lives in Sanpete County, it's pretty much the same thing. I feel so bad for my kids never getting to see them. I grew up in California with Grandparents in Utah, so I know how you're feeling and it SUCKS!! I feel your pain!!! I think it's awesome that you keep up with the traditions even though you're not close. At least she can feel a little bit apart of something.

~kamie~ said...

They look good! Yummm!

That has got to be hard to be away from so much family. I hope you get to see them more often.

AnneMarie said...

This post really got me thinking. I hope my kids are able to have these fun traditions with their grandparents even though we don't leave extremly close to either of them.

AnneMarie said...

Oh and you should post that recipe... LOOKS YUMMY!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the comments...I will for sure post the recipe...maybe I'll make a day where I post yummy recipes. =) I love to eat along with the rest of my family...I've got a lot of really delicious one's.
It is funny how you always want so much more for your children (even if your life wasn't so bad). You want them to have all the same traditions, plus some. I really enjoy doing things with Savannah that I remember as a child...Paul on the other hand doesn't care, and just wants to make a bunch of new ones (I think it's just a guy thing). Oh, it doesn't help my cause that I'm extremely sentimental. =)
It's always nice to know that I'm not alone, and feeling overly sensitive...which I do tend to be.

Cal said...

yes, please post the recipe. This is one of my familys favorite treats, except I cheat and buy the one that comes in a box! Looks like you guys have fun in the kitchen, with Savannah liking Spongebob, maybe she could cook up a little somethin' to serve at the poop deck! I don't know why I let my kids watch that.

Rebecca said...

I feel the exact same way. Why can't I be rich enough to take Lydia home every month to see family?

Emily Christine said...

Those look super yummy!!

Amber! said...

I hear ya....I had limited contact with my grandparents as well. I didn't realize how unattached I was from my grandparents until they moved back here when I was a teenager. They lived so far from all their grandchildren that they sometimes struggle with my children; they just don't enjoy them as much as I would like! Oh, well.

Anonymous said...

I love the little people in my life, would love to do better! If anyway has any suggestions in keeping close from a distance I would take them. Its hard all the way around.....

Kings said...

YUMMIE! i love those. :)

Unknown said...

Looks delish. Love that you are spending time in the kitchen with her...I need to be more patient and try once in a while.