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Sunday, November 23, 2008

Twilight =(

I was SO excited to see this movie, even though I knew it wouldn't do the book justice. I tried not to get my hopes up, but I did...and I didn't like the movie as much. I didn't like Bella, but SURPRISINGLY I fell in love with the "ugly Edward". lol The BEST part of this movie was definitely Emily. =) We both said that if we brought Paul he would have made fun of our movie the whole time. It was fun to catch up, and eat LOTS of popcorn. I am definitely changing my Christmas movie...sorry! =(


Emily Christine said...

Hey Von! I'm glad we could hang out yesterday! I am so glad I have you and your family in my life! I don't know where I would be without you! Love you soo much! I'm in for the sequel! ;)

Christina said...

I'm hearing mixed reviews about the movie. Some say they liked it others did not. It seems that more people were disappointed with it though. I don't think it'll keep me from watching it though, I'll still go see it.

Unknown said...

You definitely have to see it, but I don't think it is worth rewatching...

Kings said...

aw, why did you go see it without us? I've been waiting so we can all see it together.

Tiffany said...

I loved it! Well most of it, I didn't like Jasper and I hated the eyes.... bugged me through the whole thing! I loved that Stephenie Meyer had a cameo. I thought there was awesome chemistry between Bella and Edward, I hope the movies get better....

Unknown said...

I liked the movie, but agree that Bella was NOT my bella.

Amber! said...

Wasn't it so fun!!! I though Rob was decent as Edward...he needed to be meaner. I mean, really. He just stared at those guys in Port Angeles. It wasn't vampiric at all. And I wanted some truly scary looks in the biology class. Other than that, he was good enough for me to giggle over!