Santa made it safely to our home even with all of the snow. Savannah got the "cleaning caddy". It is equipped with a vacuum, dust pan, and all of the things necessary to help Mommy.
You wouldn't know that Savannah got anything else, because that really is the ONLY thing that she has really played with NON STOP! She was extremely thankful, which was nice to see. She said thank you, gave lots of hugs, and kisses!
So, remember when I blogged about my present here. The presents I should have been wondering about were these.
Paul SPOILED me. I got a new gorgeous diamond ring, diamond necklace, and diamond earings. Oh, and I still got what was in that other box...this baby is gorgeous too!
Good thing I bought him that surprise I talked about here. It was an IPOD, and boy was he surprised! Yeah for Evonne. Paul looked around the room wondering who got it for him. lol. It was BLISS. I even teared up to watch his shock.
As soon as we were done opening presents our power went out. I was starting to worry if all my food was even going to get cooked. It was only off for an hour or so...phew, 3 hours before they expected. My mismatched table turned out cute, and I didn't ruin ANY food! All of it turned out delicious, and I gave myself a BIG pat on the back. =)
If it hadn't been a BLIZZARD most of the day...we would have went outside to take some family pictures. Instead we settled for the fireplace, christmas tree, and couch! 

I am thankful that we have family here for the holidays. It has been so much fun already. I hope that it stops snowing so that we can enjoy some Christmas lights @ temple square, Gardner Village, and maybe a carriage ride.
Yeah!! It looks like a great day! You have a hot family! I think Paul is the perfect mixture of his parents. Is Shane still moving in?
Santa brought a kitchen to our house. We should get together...the kids could clean at yours and bake at ours! Seriously, though, when will work slow down so we can play?
Looks like the holidays were perfect there in UTAH.. We really didnt do anything, I worked and Dale visited with Vi... My family never does anything because nobody cares to get together, but what ever I just need to start my own traditions!!
Such cute pictures! I love the christmas outfits! Your purse is sooo cute! You need to post a pic of you wearing all your new jewlry.
Such fun pictures! I'm so happy you had a wonderful Christmas! Now let's be seeing that beautiful diamond jewelry OUTSIDE of the boxes! You deserve it.
Thanks for the comment on our Xmas card. They were sooo put together last minute and late but oh well. Those Thank-You cards are from good ol' Target.
You are kind!
Happy Holidays!!
cute cute pictures! looks like you guys had a great Christmas. Yes, my mom did tell me that she met you! I was jealous, not fair that she gets to meet you before I do! it will happen, I swear it will.
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