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Thursday, December 11, 2008

yet another thursday

I have so much to be thankful for,
BUT this Thursday is I'm thankful for my body.
I thankful for my brain that has a hard time remembering, but is awesome at coming up with creative stuff. =)
I am thankful for my hands, because I have studly handwriting. I write left handed, and can doodle like nobodies business. Oh, and I recently was able to catch throw up in them too!
I am thankful for my cute freckles. I keep getting new one's, and I love all of them...BUT I do have favorites.
I am thankful for my legs, because even though my knees hurt like an old ladies right now...I can walk.
I am thankful for my arms. I can snuggle with my two favorite people, drive, and carry lots of stuff up the stairs.
I am thankful for my eyes. Although they aren't Savannah's baby blues, they are this deep poopy brown color that I'm in love with.
I am thankful for my nose. I can smell anything miles away.
I am thankful for my girly know which one's I'm talkin' about. They work, and have brought me lots of joy.
Most of all I am thankful I am me. With all my imperfections.

1 comment:

Amber! said...

Boy, I am glad for my body too! I am even more thankful that my "girly parts" (do you know how hard it is for me not to use correct terminology? I am seriously a warped person) are working better than ever before!