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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

can you guess what I'm goin' say!?

We are days away from finding out if we got enough votes for Van to win the Kiddieokie contest! When I say days, it is THIS Thursday (April 2nd) by Noon. I tried to come up with something really enticing to make everyone want to vote, and spread the word. I don't know if the backyard bash was, IF we win...are you ready for this?

I will make a video of me singing the same song Van did, and post it here on my blog!!

You wanna laugh hard? Then vote. I got the giggles just thinkin' about what my video will sound and look like!

Click here for the page to vote.
She is contest #20, and all votes need to be verified by an e-mail address.

Click here if you haven't seen her video yet.

We shall soon find out.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Do you know this man?

Do you want this man??? If given the opportunity would you attend a social function with this man?

Sunday, March 29, 2009

breaks my heart

Van says to me last night...

I wished on a star.
I wished that you wouldn't have to go to work again.
Momma says "One day sweet girl, one day."

mmm, tomorrow is Monday.
Now, that is the way to start a bad week, huh?

Saturday, March 28, 2009

auntie Jill

You can always count on when Auntie Jill comes over...there will be nail polish at some point.Jill is such a good Auntie. Savannah begs her to sleep over, and prays for her at night. We love when Auntie Jill comes to play with us! =)

i am so blessed

I look forward to this time of year not because of my birthday, but because we get family pictures taken. It is the one time that Paul will pretend to be happy about them putting his legs in funky positions. Van and I are always willingly smiling for anyone's camera, but Paul is a little more "moody" about the picture taking process. =) I saved the best for last...isn't she freakin' hilarious! My favorite out of the bunch!!

Friday, March 27, 2009

what's all the talk about?!

This is the "new" and "improved" Dora!! Have you heard all the talk?! Seriously, I think she looks fantastic! I love the look, and especially the long hair. I even like the idea of her show changing a bit.
What do you think?


We are a week away from finding out if we got enough votes for the 97.1 ZHT Kiddieokee contest. Aaaah, do we have enough to win that awesome backyard playground set!?!

Click here for instructions on how to do it, and watch her video.

Didn't think her first video was good enough to vote for!?! Check this one out for a good laugh....

Thank you to everyone who already voted. =)

Tune in to 97.1 on Friday, April 3rd to find out if we pulled it off.

The waiting is killing me!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

purple glubs

Van is loving Tae Kwon Do. It is the best decision that we have made recently. Paul loves practicing the new moves with her, and she loves her purple gloves.This is how Van blocks a punch!I was so proud when I found this sticker on her uniform.
AND no not all the children in the class get one. ;)

Monday, March 23, 2009


Once upon a time I struggled when others were prego, and I wasn't. I would cry, be mad, and feel upset for days. Then my turn finally came. I got my chance to be a Mother to Van. It is amazing how on that day your life changes forever.I anxiously await that day for my Sista. I was able to go and celebrate with her, family, and friends. My Sista is going to be an excellent Mother to Alice. I couldn't be happier for her and Hiram.
My SIL, prego with #5, and my very prego Sista!

Van's version =)

Our weekend getaway...
(This is Van speaking, and Mommy typing)

I watched TV for a little bit. I had fun playing puzzles with Mommy. I like playing games. I played with the dog (Pyper), and she bited me. I played with Auntie Emilie, and took a bath in her HUGE bathtub. Auntie Emilie gave me a blanket to be warm out in the rain. We stayed at the hotel. I swimmed in the swimming pool. Auntie Emilie gave me jewelry, and I got the earrings to work. Oh, and Uncle Hiram read books to me. I love playing catch with the dog, and he really bited me...I'm serious. And then I played in Alice's room. AND THAT'S IT!

Funny girl, huh?

My version coming shortly.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

we will get you!

We have been in business for over 4 years. It doesn't happen very often that our machines get stolen. When it happens, it's a sad day. They are expensive machines, and full of money. Now, don't get any ideas people, we have finally come up with a solution! =)
One of our locations has been giving us "problems". We put a machine in, and it was stolen. We put another machine in, locked it up, and it was still stolen. Can you say employees!? These machines are heavy, and it would be extremely noticeable to just take out of a location without anyone noticing.

Paul went to RadioShack, and found our solution! We will now put GPS tracking devices on our machines. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to have another machine stolen...BUT won't it be cool when we know that it has been taken off of location, and we can catch the "bad guy!" I have definitely been watching too much CSI or something.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

you have NO IDEA!

I have received texts, e-mails, phones calls, and comments with people voting, and showing their support! I want to say THANK YOU. Even if we don't win (but we're goin') I can't believe all the groupie love I feel. I have the best support system!!

Here is who has sent me info on voting so far...

Callee (who even made her husband do it at work!)
Uncle Jake
Auntie Jill (her post is here!)
Jayni (you rawk!)
All these people in Auntie Jill's c/s
Auntie Emilie
IT guys from Jill's work
Kamie (this chica even did a post, click here! This made my day!)
Liz C.

Can you believe it? A lot of these people even went to multiple computers. Sweet!

Friday, March 20, 2009

i'm finding out...

After you have to verify it too! They will send you an e-mail, and you need to click on the link in the e-mail to validate your vote. Sorry, for the extra step. They don't make it easy, of course.

Did you remember?

What is today?
The day you go and vote for Van, remember!!!

If you didn't know I entered Van into a Kiddieokie contest.
If she gets enough votes she will win a playground set.

I have promised all my blog buddies a backyard party if we win.

If you want to watch her video it's here and here.

The voting starts now, but doesn't end until April 2nd at 12:00 pm. So, please when you have a chance head on over to...HERE!!

There is only one vote per ip address...we need all the help we can get.
She is contestant #20, and in the 2-4 year old group!

The winner will be announced live on the Morning Zoo April 3rd.
Thank you for helping us out! =)

Thursday, March 19, 2009


My thankful Thursday is simple.
I am thankful for Van's Daddio!
It is wonderful to watch your child have a special bond with her Daddy.
Sometimes I listen and watch Van, and she is so much like her Daddy it makes me giggle.
Paul is much better at sitting back, and letting Van be independent and letting her learn.
Like when I found out that she makes her own PB&J sandwiches at night when I'm at work. I always think of her as my baby.
I love that we are in this parenting thing together. It feels good to have support.
I love our trio!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

green day.

(Doesn't everyone love all the new flavored whoppers for Easter? We have a bowl of every flava! You definitely need to try the orange flavor with a chocolate. It reminds me of one of the whack-an-orange-thingys!)

I attempted to make Corned Beef today. It wasn't a complete disaster, but wasn't the greatest meal I've ever cooked. I was tryin' to be festive, but I didn't do cabbage. I'm definitely not daring enough for that yet.

We all wore green. Van of course really got in to it with green shorts, green patty's day shirt, and cute green hair stuff...I don't even have a picture (disappointing). She informed me that I could not go to work with just a green shirt, I had to wear green pants. Who owns green pants, besides my 4 year old?

Happy Green Day, until next year!


I got a call at work tonight.
It was Van.
She in her happiest voice says
"Momma I'm goin' be a real Karate Kid tomorrow at 4:00!"
Van starts Tae Kwon Do tomorrow.
She is so excited to wear her kool uniform.
Pictures to come.
I'm a proud Momma!

Monday, March 16, 2009

i think i'm funny.

So, one of my "private poops" that I read does this post.

Go over to to identify what decorating style you have.

I go over there. Enter in all my answers, and you know what it says at the end?

Hmm, that's odd
We couldn't identify your style
based on the quiz results.
Would you mind taking it again?
Sorry, but we just want to be sure...

No joke! You know why it's funny.

NO ONE has style like me! I could have told you that before I took the quiz. =)


I know some of you have had a hard time pulling up the blogger video. Here is the link to the website...

She is contestant #20. =)

I have decided that if she wins...we are celebrating with a backyard party with all of my blog friends.

Voting doesn't start until Friday. More info to come! Thanks for all of your support.

97.1 zht

I finally entered Van into a contest on the radio.

This is ALL Van. No choreographing, no help, just Van bein' herself. Doesn't she deserve to win?

Will you be my BESTEST friends and go vote for her!?!

She will win a playground set if she gets enough votes.

Official voting will start on Friday, March 20th @ 7 am. Only one vote per computer ip address will be allowed. The 2 children with the most votes as of Thursday, April 2nd at 12 pm.

I will post info on March 20th on how to help her out. =)

I started.

Training sucks. I tried to justify why I did so poorly running.
Was is that I pushed Van in a umbrella stroller?
That had to be it.
I am just sick, that's it!
Or maybe it was that I don't have good enough running shoes.
If I had them, I would totally be running laps quickly and easily.
Whatever it is...I will not look like this again after the 5k this year.
Will not.
Do you wanna join our team? E-mail me! We would love to have you.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

I didn't mean to dent your do!

(68. Someone getting a hair cut)
In preparation for family photos this week we all got our hair cut. Paul and Van's are noticeably different...mine, not so much.
Van got a very drastic A-line. You should see how short it is in the back. Ooooh weee, it's short! I love it, but Paul said it's too short! Of course Van loves it, and that is all that matters!
I decided that Van needs to be herself, and if that is what she wants...she can have it. =)

Friday, March 13, 2009

Patty's Party

We went to a St. Patty's Day play date. It was complete with a hunt for gold (rolo's). Very cute idea. I realized that Van needs more interaction with children, when I caught her trying to play soccer with a baby that could barely walk. One day she will know what it's like to have a little brother or sister.(287. Your child's best friend)

We will definitely come to another one of your Friday playdates girly's!


I've been thinkin' about this a lot lately. I think I have lost some of my bloggin' mojo. I REALLY need your help.What I want to have is some guest bloggers. You don't really have to be a blogger, just a person with something to write about, something to say. If you have a funny, sad, interesting, crazy story that you want to put out there, e-mail it to me! If you want your story to be published anonymously, let me know.

Send your submissions to

*I reserve the right to edit for language.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

food, my favorite!

It seems weird that when my 365 project said to take a photo of my favorite restaurant, and my favorite wasn't the same place.

Texas Roadhouse has been my favorite restaurant forever. When I say forever, I mean Paul and I ate there with my family for a lil' engagement party. Um, I was 17...that is forever. They have THE best service, which for me is a big deal, and they have amazing endless rolls. Oh, and in case you wanted to know, if you go before 6 pm they have a 2fer special. =)

(118. Your favorite restaurant)

As I have gotten older my taste buds have started to like more than just steak. I love Mexican food, and could eat it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner! Seriously, I'm not joking! So, when Rubio's came in our local shopping center...we had to try it out. The BEST food, and a fair price. This just happens to be the food that I order EVERY time. I have branched out once, and wasn't disappointed.

(116. You favorite food)

I really could talk about food for days. Paul and I have a weakness! =)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Beyonce, I mean Evonce =)

If I could sing...
I would totally sing this song to Paul!
Remember those walls I built
Well baby they’re tumbling down
And they didn’t even put up a fight
They didn’t even make a sound
I found a way to let you in
But I never really had a doubt
Standing in the light of your halo
I got my angel now

It’s like I’ve been awakened
Every rule I had you breakin’
It’s the risk that I’m takin’
I ain’t never gonna shut you out
Everywhere I’m looking now
I’m surrounded by your embrace
Baby I can see your halo
You know you’re my saving grace
You’re everything I need and more
It’s written all over your face
Baby I can feel your halo
Pray it won’t fade away
I can feel your halo (halo) halo
I can see your halo (halo) halo
I can feel your halo (halo) halo
I can see your halo (halo) halo

Hit me like a ray of sun
Burning through my darkest night
You’re the only one that I want
Think I’m addicted to your light
I swore I’d never fall again
But this don’t even feel like falling
Gravity can’t forget
To pull me to the ground again
Feels like I’ve been awakened
Every rule I had you breakin’
The risk that I’m takin’
I’m never gonna shut you out Everywhere I’m looking now
I’m surrounded by your embrace
Baby I can see your halo
You know you’re my saving grace
You’re everything I need and more
It’s written all over your face
Baby I can feel your halo
Pray it won’t fade away

I can feel your halo (halo) halo
I can see your halo (halo) halo
I can feel your halo (halo) halo
I can see your halo (halo) halo
I can feel your halo (halo) halo
I can see your halo (halo) halo
I can feel your halo (halo) halo
I can see your halo (halo) halo

Everywhere I’m looking now
I’m surrounded by your embrace
Baby I can see your halo
You know you’re my saving grace
You’re everything I need and more
It’s written all over your face
Baby I can feel your halo
Pray it won’t fade away

I can feel your halo (halo) halo
I can see your halo (halo) halo
I can feel your halo (halo) halo
I can see your halo (halo) halo
I can feel your halo (halo) halo
I can see your halo (halo) halo
I can feel your halo (halo) halo
I can see your halo (halo) halo
Ooou’ (This is before our lives changed forever...prego with our Van)

Monday, March 9, 2009



I know every parent probably says this, but SERIOUSLY I look at you every day and think to myself you are the most beautiful little girl.
Your new favorite words are seriously, loser, dork, and I have caught you saying BIG words that I'm not sure you know what they mean. But when you say them it makes us laugh!
At the Jazz game the other night you said in your most serious tone..."Kyle Korver is hot, and when I get big I wanna marry him!". You screamed for him even when he wasn't on the court. Oh, and you cried when you didn't actually see yourself on the Jumbo-tron. You thought that I had lied to you. You trust Daddy soon as he said that you were on it, you stopped.
You've been sick with the flu this past week. One night when I could hear you struggling to sleep, I just laid by you and watched you. It was 3 something in the morning, and for that moment I could have stayed up forever to be with you. Just for those days you were a little less sassy, and a lot more mellow.
You have started to cry daily when I leave for work. You like the 3 of us to be together ALWAYS!! It makes me sad when I see you so upset. It was a lot easier to leave you when you were a baby, and didn't realize how long I would be gone for. ;) I tried explaining to you that one day you will leave me every day to go to school, and you wouldn't want me to cry. Your response was simple and funny "Momma, I'll just quit school!". You are too smart, my little Van.
I swear you change daily. You are starting to get good at reading, and you are a pro at writing. You are THE next American Idol...anyone that has driven in our car would agree.
Thank you for always being our bright spot.
Love you always,

Sunday, March 8, 2009

another Idaho day.

This weekend when I planned my Idaho day it was simple. Hang out with my SIL, and hang out with my BFF. My day was full of errands, Mickey D's breakfast (of course!), Big Buck Safari Hunter, fake tattoo's in a public bathroom, a movie, gettin' dolled up, and lots of giggles! Thanks girls!

Friday, March 6, 2009

thank you.

This is my spin on thankful Thursday...a day late.This is my G-Lew.
Our friendship began that day when I went up to her after she had only worked at the RCW for maybe 2 weeks. I said something like this "I don't even know you, and I really like you!". I probably sounded like an idiot, but for some reason she started to like me back. =)

Recently my sweet G-Lew had a miscarriage at 10 weeks. It was a sad day. I cried with her, and we became even closer friends.

(267. A thank-you note you received)
She wrote me this sweet thank-you note this week.

I am so thankful that I could be there for her during her time of need. I am thankful that I actually went up to a stranger, and made an AWESOME friend out of it. I am thankful for my G-Lew!