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Monday, March 23, 2009


Once upon a time I struggled when others were prego, and I wasn't. I would cry, be mad, and feel upset for days. Then my turn finally came. I got my chance to be a Mother to Van. It is amazing how on that day your life changes forever.I anxiously await that day for my Sista. I was able to go and celebrate with her, family, and friends. My Sista is going to be an excellent Mother to Alice. I couldn't be happier for her and Hiram.
My SIL, prego with #5, and my very prego Sista!


Emily Christine said...

You are all looking smoking hot!

Anonymous said...

How fun and exciting! I hope all goes well for the big day!=)

Unknown said...

Look how cute your sister is! I love you sweet Evonne...congrats to you SIL and to your sista.

Amber! said...

I need to call you to see how the party went. They look so darling. I totally miss being able to rub my big tummy (well, a big tummy with a baby in it, not food!)