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Friday, March 13, 2009


I've been thinkin' about this a lot lately. I think I have lost some of my bloggin' mojo. I REALLY need your help.What I want to have is some guest bloggers. You don't really have to be a blogger, just a person with something to write about, something to say. If you have a funny, sad, interesting, crazy story that you want to put out there, e-mail it to me! If you want your story to be published anonymously, let me know.

Send your submissions to

*I reserve the right to edit for language.


Amber! said...

My cousin's blog is hillarious. she's private, though. I'll ask her if she would mind sending you something.

dust and kam said...

I was talking about this the other day!! I totally want a guest blogger!

If I had something to say, I totally would... but my blog has been suffering for sure. If I think of anything, I will let you know! :)