the hat.
When Van asked for a hat, I didn't really even want to buy it...thinking that it would be a waste of money. It was cute though and if she did wear it, even occassionally, it would save me from having to do her hair...which she hates. Little did I know that I would have to beg her to take it off for bath time, and she was extremely disappointed when I told her she couldn't wear it to church.So look for her wearing the hat in every single picture from now on.
LOve it! Love the Sass!!!
Love the hat!! Looks so cute on the already super cute Van!!
This hat is ADORABLE on Van!!! I love it! Norah's been on a hat kick lately, too. So, stinkin fun!
She is so freaking cute, it's ridiculous. I love the hat!
It could be worse.
Trust me.
Lovin the atta frakin tude!
Yippee! Savannah your hat it awesome you know its awesome. I love you too Savannah!
She looks so grown up! Stop that Van!!! :-)
oh my gosh, that hat is SO cute! And seriously, even though I've never actually met Van, I look at that and think "oh, that's SO Van!" lol... I feel like she's alreay my little kid BFF :) love that girl and her sassy personality!!
Oh it's so cute!
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