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Thursday, May 6, 2010

my sweet set up

I have a hard time waking up in the middle of the night. It is getting easier, but I never really get use to it. If you ever look on Facebook or Twitter you'll be able to tell when Vin's feedings are by when I update. This is when I do a lot of multi tasking...but it is mostly to make sure I don't fall asleep (which has happened more times than I should admit to).

So I have this sweet set up in Vin's nursery...


Jules AF said...

Yes, please.

Kristina P. said...


dust and kam said...

i have woke up more than once with G getting upset because his bottle is being smashed in his face. I too try to keep myself as busy as possible. :) I definitely struggle.

Great set-up!

Steph said...

You are much better than I ever was. I lasted about 2 weeks of getting up and staying awake for feedings. After that I just nursed in bed.

Krystal said...

I need you to come set up my room... last night I set up my portable DVD player on the side of my bed in an effort to sleep on the "wrong" side so I can get the fluid to drain out of my lungs... blah... I hate being sick... but with a setup like yours I would probably be fine :)

Paige Taylor Evans said...


Unknown said...

That is hilarious! I don't know how you do it...After two weeks I always gave in and nursed in bed.