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Saturday, May 8, 2010


I am so tempted to click the "mark all as read" in my google reader.
I am so far behind.
Will you guys hate me?
I suck at commenting this week.
I have been sick for baby Vin is starting to get sick. =(
You will still be my friend, right?


Jules AF said...

I've clicked "mark all as read" about 4 times this week... No biggie.

Krystal said...

I've done it before too... it happens to the best of us.... (but if you're really bored, you can check out my 30 days of blogging... no commenting necessary!) Hope Vin gets feeling better soon... having a sick baby is no fun :( sorry... I would come out and help if I weren't sick too!

Kristina P. said...

How funny that I almost did that today. We're at my Grandma's in St. George and she doesn't have Wifi. I am marking most of the posts as read.

Paige Taylor Evans said...

I can't tell you how many times I've wanted to do the same thing. Usually I just leave them and then catch up at work when there's nothing else to do. But I won't be mad, do it, do it!

Tarahh77 said...

Maybe sometime when you are NOT busy and overwhelmed and sick you can explain to me what this is, I keep hearing about it and have tried to figure out what it is and how I get it and I have no idea! So obviously I won't feel bad :)

Happy Mothers Day!

Amy said...

Just do it. I did this morning...

Jerilee E. said...

I do it all the time...