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Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Wednesday's blow.
4 weeks left of maternity leave.
Health insurance is crap.
They will cover Paul if we pay $400 a month...just for him.
What is the point. We might as well not have health insurance.
I'm out of graham crackers, my new found love.
I have a headache that I swear never goes away.
My back hurts from not being use to carrying a big ol' baby boy around,
and his really ginorm car seat.
My house is never going to be clean again. =/
I gave up Coke, and you would think I would at least lose 5 pounds...nope.
I have a bruise on my arm where Vin's head hurts.
I'm grumpy.
Vin is grumpy too! I must be rubbing off on him.
It's just because it's Wednesday!
On a positive family is all getting new Schwinn Bikes...including a trailor for Vin. I'm so excited to participate in this adventure with My Blog Spark.


tlkcreations said...

Aww...sweetie :( I'm sorry that you are having such a bad day... here I have been counting down for other selfish reasons that you will be coming back to work with me and we can dish like we used to... insurance really does suck because I know you want to be a stay at home mommy. So cool about the bikes though... that is super awesome! Hang in there .... I love ya to the moon and back :)

Kings said...

that is so good! i've been wanting to ride a bike...but when they say you never forget...believe me, you can forget how to ride them (without falling). :) Wouldn't it be cool if i could just add you guys to my insurance because we are family??

Kristina P. said...

The cost of insurance is seriously out of control.

Rebecca said...

Carseats suck. They're so heavy.

Brenda said...

Take one minuet at a time, I know I have had to. It's okay. I'm sorry it's such a hard day. Just remember every minuet that goes by is another minuet closer to bedtime.=)
The bikes sound AWESOME! We've talked about that idea but here we sit.

Michelle said...

I'm sorry today is such a rough day. Health insurance is such a pain. I hope you get things all figured out - or at least to a happy medium :)

Unknown said...

Insurance is so dang expensive, Car seats are so dang heavy and I am so dang jealous that you guys get bikes! Lucky!

Rachel Sue said...

I hate days like that. And insurance? Grrrrrrrr.

I hope it gets better for you soon.

Tiffany said...

What? How are you getting new bikes?? One of the ONLY up sides to Andy's job is our health insurance, seriously I know how blessed we are to have it, but it does make me mad that not everyone has the same insurance coverage that we have....

SmallAdventures said...

I hope Thursday is a FANTASTIC day for you!!!!!
By the way...Your baby is soo sweet!!! What a cutie!
Hang in there...good days always follow grumpy ones right?! :)

Jobi Niu said...

Hey girl.. It's me Jayni's sister. You're just so funny. I just love ya. LUCKY you're getting new bikes! A bike Trailor??? SO JEALOUS!!

Camille said...

Today's THURSDAY! :) Hopefully it's a better day than yesterday. Wednesdays are hard. So are Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays,,,etc when you have a newborn. The bikes should make up for it! :)

Krystal said...

I'm sorry yesterday was so rough... hope things start going better for you... xoxo...

Quinn said...

Oh, Evonne... bless your heart. That's all so sucky... :( I'm really impressed you gave up Coke! Wow! You go, girl! And soooo cool about your new bikes and baby trailor! Yay! Love you to pieces and sending you lots of sunshine.

Steph said...

HOW STINKING FUN! We love our family bike rides.

And I have been grumpy this week too. Let's blame the weather. And my dirty house.