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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

wordless wednesday: it never ends.


Krystal said...

at least you have a nice washer and dryer to make it a little easier, right?! :)

jayni & ben said...

I was just going to say what Krystal said. I wish I had that washer and dryer....

Cranberryfries said...

I can hardly keep up with it. But alas I'm just glad my dryer works again. Nothing like having it broken to remind me how much I hate laundry mats.

Kristina P. said...


Emily said...

I swear it multiplies like rabbits!

Jerilee E. said...

oh lady, I hear ya. It's a never-ending cycle of chaos.
I also hate folding clothes... which doesn't help the situation.

Brenda said...

Doing some right now! I have found that if I ONLY do 2 loads a day Mon - Sat. It doesn't seem so bad. It's like doing the dishes. Either I do them once a day or it all backs up. I'm sure you know how that goes.

Steph said...

That was one of the scariest pictures I have ever seen... laundry scares me. LOL

Unknown said...

AHHHH..I HATE LAUNDRY. I can wash them no problem but the folding...HATE IT!