today vin is 6 months old.
i would say i was disappointed, but i enjoy all the new stages.
he is rolling over.
he is sitting up.
he is close to crawling.
he has one cute little tooth.
he is high maintenance.
plays peek-a-boo/where is devin?
he adores his sister.
he loves his thumb.
he is only happy when being completely entertained.
and guess what?
he has the flu. =(
Poor little guy!
Oh, and we definitely need to reschedule Chick-Fil-A!
Poor guy. Get well soon little man.=(
I hope your little guy feels better soon!
He is getting SO big!! What a cutie!! Sorry that he is sick. Hope he gets better soon.
Oh how sweet is that picture! I'm SO sorry he is sick, that is NO fun! I wanna go to Chic-fil-a, I have a coupon!
What happened he is like not even looking like a baby right now!! He looks like a toddler almost :(
Happened so fast and crazy cute.
NOTHING is more sad than a sick little baby. Poor guy. Can't believe he's six months - time flies!
OMG... the poor little man... and he is like a huge amazing little man. Soooooo cute.
ah, nothing sadder than a sick little baby! I only had one of mine get the flu when they were that young and it was just awful!
He's just too adorable, though. So, so sweet.
he looks so grown up! So sad to see them get so big so quick! Hope you are all well by now!
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