I was looking for Vin some new pj's, and everything in the boy section has something on it. I saw these Buzz Light Year pj's...and I just couldn't resist. Mostly because I knew Van would love them on her little brother. I came straight home, put them on him, and then guess what happened? I fell in love with them. He looks like such a boy in them, and I can't resist smiling when I look at him covered in Buzz.
Tell me I'm crazy. I kinda think I am myself.
What do you think of "character clothes"?
they are soooooooo cute. anything on those kind of pj's are cute. they are my favorite.
I think they're cute for little kids!
OK character clothes....I get it I get it. I allow it with PJs and SOMETIMES vintage T shirts...but only like the vintage cartoons. But usually not. Although my boy is totally getting buzz lightyear pjs CAUSE THEY ARE AWESOME.
Not a fan--we keep them on PJ's and undies and sometimes (if I'm feeling super nice) on backpacks. Like Vanessa, I can do the vintage characters if done well but that's it!
they just don't happen around these parts, unless yes, on pj's or something not for public
get winnie the pooh anywhere near my kid and I will go ape...
Awww, come on people! I personally love the character ensembles they sell at Costco. Pants, shirt and jacket. You can't go wrong.
J/K of course. I can't stand them.
I am iffy on character clothing, but there are certain things that are TOTALLY okay; Buzz Lightyear being one of them. :)
I refuse to let Punk buy/wear any Hannah Montana, Dora, Wizards of Waverly Place, Miley Cyrus, Barbie, etc. But I am okay with some things, like Tinkerbell. As long as it's not over the top.
I dig the characters on PJs. The kids love them and think they become Super Heros while going to bed so why not. Plus, how could anyone resist Buzz Lighyear? Those are some dang cute PJs.
Anything looks good on that darling little boy of yours. I stop being a fan of character clothes when you merge out of the little kid and into the teen zone.
I'm not the biggest fan but my kids are! If it's a great deal and doesn't look to bad then why not.
depends - Jenna does have some things, but not a ton. (if pJ's don't count because I get a great deal on Disney pj's).
I didn't like them at all. But once my MIL bought Xander these ugly foam Blues Clues sandals and he only wanted to wear those... then I HATED them.
But there are some cute vintagey style character stuff I would let them wear now. And on babies... it is adorable.
I just hate that you're paying almost double the amount for clothes with characters when really it's the same clothes! But when they look so cute (like they do on litte Vin's bum) it's hard to pass them up!:)
I don't go for the character clothes, except for certain characters on pajamas and underwear. Buzz Lightyear is definitely cute :). I can't stand Winnie the Pooh stuff, not sure why- could be hearing my Dad say "you have pooh on your shirt!" to anyone wearing Pooh themed clothing.
Other than that, only the occasional Disney Princess shirt that we pay WAY too much for at Princesses on Ice.
I am a negative on character clothes... although.... if I am not the one buying them then I will let him wear them. Is that stupid or what?
I don't love them, but I also don't pass up character hand me downs either.
I tend to go for a more classic look. And a bit less commercial. But, to each his own!
I totally love the vintage character shirts, Will has an awesome star wars one and Matthew has a superman and spider-man one, but we went through a MAJOR Thomas the Tank stage with Will and we wouldn't wear it unless it had Thomas on it so now I discourage it whenever possible. But PJ's and some t-shirts are ok, just not on every article of clothing!
I always dress Noah in character pjs. I think you are right, I hardly ever see them without something on them but he also LOVES Toy Story and Buzz Lightyear. So it works.
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