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Thursday, October 28, 2010

christmas shopping.

Please don't leave me any hater comments, because I said Christmas before October is even over. Last year I put my Christmas tree up half way through October, and I have no regrets about it. This year will be different, because of our sweet little crawling baby boy Vin. He will love to destroy our tree, but we will still be putting it up...Santa can't come without a Christmas tree!
Today I went into the store to find some Halloween stuff last minute, and to my surprise I found all the bins filled with Christmas stuff instead of the Halloween stuff I was expecting! It made my day.
I decided today this year is going to go a little differently. I am going to start early on my Christmas shopping. I am usually one of those last minute shoppers...I'm talking the week of Christmas. It isn't because I like to procrastinate, it is because I always get so excited I end up giving all the presents to everyone way. too. early. =)
The other thing that is going to be different this year...I will be shopping online. I never thought I would ever be able to say that. I like going into the store, and shopping...but I don't like the lines with a restless baby.
So, I will be buying the barstools from here for that one person, the stroller for another little person, and that toy for a bigger-little person!
Who has already started shopping? Who is done? You go getters you!


AubreyMo said...

I don't hate you. I'm excited about Christmas too. Last year I was ahead of the game - I had my Christmas shopping completed the day AFTER Christmas (I went and bought TONS of closeouts, final sales, last-items, hand-soaps, games, toys, etc until I had a pile big enough that I could give something to everyone for Christmas - and it only cost me $50). This year I am not so cool or shopper savvy - I have nothing bought...but after this post, I think I might just start!

(Psst my sister has a best friend named April, who's been counting down the days until she puts her tree up on November 1st, so you're not alone!)

dust and kam said...

Oh yeah, remember that time that I bought Dustyn a polaroid camera for Christmas (a month ago) and I couldn't wait to give it to him, so I just gave it to him around the second week of October? (we needed it at the temple, ya know?) And then after all of that we never even pulled it out when I had planned? (bummer) And remember that one time when I was back to wondering what to give my husband for Christmas because he got a new polaroid Camera on "Happy-mid-October" day?

I totally know what you mean.

Good Luck with shopping. I love shopping on the internet (but I live in podunk and have no other choice).

Steph said...

I don't agree with your lifestyle decisions but I still love you. ;-P Christmas in October is a lifestyle decision.

Cal said...

all done! I am starting my wrapping party next week.
no haters here

Jerilee E. said...

I can't WAIT to put up our tree! We are finally out of the crawling baby phase (finally), so one less thing to worry about. Mark is not as enthusiastic about the early decorating, so we'll see!

After I pick up a few more little things for the little baby man, I am DONE Christmas shopping! That is, until I see something I just HAVE to get for one of the kids... this will happen at least 10 times. I have a problem.

I do probably 80% of my Christmas shopping online.

kendahl a. said...

I am usually one of those people too - the ones that don't do it until just before Christmas - because of the same reason! I absolutely love giving presents so I buy things for Christmas and then end up giving it as a surprise the next day. LOL But this year, I got a lot of stuff at the Making Memories warehouse sale (the kid is a scrapbooker!) and I am really, really, really trying to wait until Christmas. I also bought her a few shirts today at another warehouse sale so we'll see if I can hold on to it until December.

But I really like online shopping. You can get some pretty screaming deals if you look in the right places. :)

Tiffany said...

Not. Even. Started. I'm a CRAZY Black Friday shopper..... But things are going to be WAY scaled back here... Lots of home made stuff, I'm going to try my hand at making Snuggies!!

the nayz said...

I enjoy fall too much to start decorating for Christmas. But, come Dec 1 and out come the jingle bells. I too have decided to start shopping earlier-mainly budgeting reasons-so far I have two gifts for my girl and 1 for my boy.

Unknown said...

I started today at Oopsey Daisy. Yay for gift cards and a mean selection of Melissa & Doug!

Rebecca said...

I've had such a hard time NOT buying Christmas stuff! It's so exciting!