I really wanted to try breastfeeding again. After I failed miserably with Van, I wanted to see if I could relax enough to make it work. I gave myself a goal of making it for 3 weeks. It sounds like a wimpy goal, but that is all I could give. Vin is over 8 months old, and I am still nursing. Trust me when I say I have wanted to give up at least 10 times, and I have stuck it out. Once I reached my 3 week goal...I set a goal to make it a year. It feels so close, yet so far away.
There is a few reasons why I think it "worked" this time...
Vin came out a champion nurser! Seriously. Oh, and I have heard from "the nurse" that I have a nice chest for it! ;) He obviously and definitely is the number 1 reason I keep doing it, and why it has worked. He made it easy, and loves nursing.
I had a great support system this time. My Sista was still nursing my niece Alice in Wonderland, and listened to me talk and ask a million questions. It was so nice to have someone that had done it before to call all the time. My other biggest supporter was Paul...which was really awesome too!
When I went back to work my Sista gave me an amazing pump. If I didn't have that, I would have given up for sure. It makes a huge difference!!
I was always annoyed with people who nursed (gasp!). Maybe it was the way they
Do I think it's worth it? Yes.
Will I do it again? For sure.
Any complaints?
I am always hungry! I eat so much that I am pleasingly plump too! I may or may not justify the calories by saying "Vin needs them!" =)
Okay, I am off my soap box. The next nursing post you see will be the one that I am celebrating my last day of doing it!! I am sure it will be bittersweet.
Well, the proof is in the pudding. Or in this case, thighs!
Good for you, Mama!
Great Job!! I really enjoyed breast feeding Sarah and hope it is the same with the new one on the way...we will see what happens in 7 weeks when it gets here! :)
I'm breasting #3 and I've wanted to quit about 10 times in the last 3 1/2 months. Bragging or not, IT IS SOOOO HARD!! I've been through the pumping too. Funny part is that I got so far in wanting to quit this time that I stopped and looked at the formula isle at Wal-Mart. That was when my mouth dropped open about 10 feet and I realized that nursing was by far easier to me than figuring out all the formula stuff...I seriously have no idea how to mix a bottle and the thought of having to get up in the middle of the night to do that makes me ill. My props go to all Mother's/parents breastfeeding or formula feeding!
Not to mention, we joke about it being good food storage in our family. Just feed Mommy and she will pump out enough for the whole family to survive! LOL! That is totally gross I know!
Good for you! I loved nursing Colton and hope I get to do with any more children I might have. I was sad when it was over actually
I am offended...I'm never reading your blog again :)
Pretty sure we had the breast feeding conversation when you had Van. The one difference we had, I don't have the chest for breast feeding (or for much of anything). I think it's great you kept it up and I highly doubt you were one of the ones who preach it like it's the only thing and you're evil if you can't or don't. Those are the ones that drive me nuts. Hopefully this came across the right way, because I am proud of you for keeping it up because it is easy to give up on.
Way to go champ!
Those thighs are absolutely delicious.
I am having a hard time with breastfeeding at the moment as I can tell my supply is starting to dwindle, and its never broken my heart like it is this time, I think its because this is my last chance to breastfeed and I don't want it to end yet.
So props to you for making it so long!!
I do love nursing and it always makes me happy to talk to other nursing Moms. Nursing isn't about being better...I just feel lucky I can nurse and it all works.
With anything in life it feels good not to quit. See at your year mark.
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