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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

if you look close, it's not just a mess.

When Van was about 18 months she loved to line up her stuffed animals into a row on whatever she could, leaving one little spot for her to sit. She then would sit and eat her snacks amongst her favorite friends.Even though Van is much older than this now, she still hasn't gotten over organizing her toys, and sitting amongst them.

The other day I told her to clean up all of her Littlest Pet Shop stuff, because honestly doesn't this look like a disaster?She said "BUT MOM, they are all in families, and I can't put them away!" After looking closer, I guess she did have them all in a special spot. If you look closely there is a pile of aquatic animals, a pile of kittens, a pile of dogs...
I love my quirky Van!


Kristina P. said...

That is adorable! Hopefully she won't end up in the mental hospital for OCD. Cheers!

Tiffany said...

That is so cute!!

kendahl a. said...

You better watch her for OCD. LOL I did that when I was little, but it wasn't just the toys. It was the cereal, and the fridge magnets, and the candy in the register lines at the grocery store... yah. I get where she's coming from!