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Thursday, November 25, 2010

where have I been...

I blinked, and all of the sudden it's been a week. Weird how that happens. When you are little it seems like time drags on FOREVER, and when you are all grown up...well, you wonder where a whole darn year went.

Let me just tell you that I am cookin' our Thanksgiving meal, and am darn happy about it. My house smells delightful, and the rolls are calling my name. I might not share after I slave in the kitchen all day.

What are your plans for Turkey Day? Probably not reading blogs.

I hope that you are going to the movies, because that is always our tradition. Can you guess what movie we are going to see...I hope ya'll said Tangled. =)

The giveaway is closed, names are drawn, and e-mails have been sent.
Thank you for entering, if you did.

Happy Thanksgiving.

*a grand post is coming, maybe even two. if you are friends with me on are getting an extra treat of thankful things today!


Kristina P. said...

Sadly, I am reading blogs! But it's only me and Adam, and we're not going out to eat until later this evening.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Camille said...

Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I can't wait to see Tangled - am waiting until my girls get home, though.