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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

my dear 1st grader.

{365 photo challenge...August 25th, 2011}
Dear Savannah,

Didn't we just have the Kindergarten flutters, and now you are headed in to the 1st grade...which just sounds so much more grown up.

Man, we had a fun summer.  Wanna do it again May 2012?  Lets.  It was the best summer I can remember!  We worked hard, and played even harder.  It is going to be an adjustment doing your hair every day, you are not going to like me for awhile.  I will make a deal with doing your hair, and you can hang in your cozy clothes on the weekends.  Deal?

I am going to miss you, a. lot.  I can't promise you I am not gonna will always be my baby girl. {Even if you are going to be 7, seven!! whoa!} 

I am proud to be your Mommy.  I am your #1 cheerleader.  I know you will totally rock out this 1st grade business.  AND as my good friend Girardo always says "Remember who you are, and what you stand for!"

Thanks for being you, my little sassy pants.
I love you,


Kristina P. said...

She looks so Sassy!

Vanessa Brown said...

hee hee little sassy pants :) love it.

Emily Christine said...

Man alive you better watch out. Heartbreaker.

dust and kam said...

she is the cutest.