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Saturday, August 6, 2011

not every plan is perfect.

I took Friday off of work to play.  Vanessa and I had big plans of taking the girls to The Rooftop Concert Series in Provo...

We met up, started the drive...and I lost one of my contacts on the hour drive to the concert.

{side note: I am really, really blind.  So, when I lose half my is no beuno.}
{heya, I am having the time of my life!}
We arrive at the concert with 4 little girls in tow. 

Parking was fairly easy, finding a spot to spread our blankets was just as easy {looking back the front row probably wasn't a good choice, because we couldn't blend!}...and even though the music isn't what I normally listen to, it is easy to listen to.
{telling secrets, and probably making Cameron feel left out}
Then things got interesting just as the first band was getting off the stage, and CJane was coming up to introduce the second band.  Van recognized her, jumped up, pointed, and screamed "Mom, it's your friend from your blog!"  Um yeah, I have never met CJane, and I am sure she wouldn't consider a blog stalker "a friend". Hello...embarassing!  CJane was lovely and smiled and said hi to Van, while I was trying to hide behind something.

Oh, and that is just what started the slippery slope of disaster.

Baby Shae didn't want to sit.  The little girls decided it would be funny to pretend to be dogs, and this included lifting their legs to use the bathroom.  The girls weren't sharing blankets, Cameron was getting left out, and Van asked when Selena Gomez was coming on stage.
Vanessa and I looked at each other and laughed so we wouldn't cry.

Our plan was flopping, and all we could do was pick up our blankets 33 minutes into the concert...and speed to the nearest Sonic for a large Coke and try to recover!

The girls rawked out to Selena Gomez most of the way home, while I tried to figure out if my contact was still stuck in my eye...or lost in Vanessa big ol' purse.

Not every plan turns out perfect, but I think Vanessa said it best on her status update...

So tonight was a disaster but at least it was a disaster with a friend.

Next time we try to go to the Rooftop Concert Series, we will remember to go without children!


Kristina P. said...

Aww, that's too bad! I've been wanting to go to one of these concerts.

Unknown said...

you should definitely go Kristina. I realize now it is a pretty mellow setting, and not the best for kids who want to dance! It would be a lovely date night with your husband!

Em said...

What an adventure!!!

Vanessa said...

oh poor poki does look sad! :( hurry pop out a 3 year old girl please

Cathy said...

I love the picture of the whispering girlies. Very cute. It's always best to have a crappy time with a friend.

Unknown said...

Sometimes I think the best memories are made out of crappy situations. That picture of the girls whispering is adorable!

Emily said...

This will be one of your favorite memories because it is so dang memorable! Let's have a girls' night out sans kids for the next rooftop concert. I've been dying to go!

Rachel Sue said...

Good to know. Good to know.

Angie said...

I've sooo been there!!