Last week I posted on Facebook about traditions. People had some really fun ideas. Every year I always try to come up with something new for us to do, but for whatever reason I don't usually do them more than one year so I can't really call anything a tradition.
We have done ornaments most years.
We have done gingerbread houses.
We have gone to see the lights, and some years we have not.
I have made Thanksgiving dinner, and we have gone to restaurants and let them do all the work.
We sometimes carve pumpkins.
Most years I put my Christmas tree up in October. Don't judge. This year will not be one of those years, because of our cute toddler...I am not going to fight him for that long.
and wait for it...last year we didn't even go trick or treating!
This year I wanted to add some new fun things.
My plan...even if it is a little to do a fun themed dinner every Sunday. It is not just for this holiday season, but I am hoping we can carry it over for the new year...and forever.
I have had fun looking in the dollar bins for some cheap decor, and of course Pinterest has endless ideas.
What is your favorite thing you do or that your parents did while growing up?
I really want to make some amazing memories for my kids. :)
How do you get out of trick or treating??
Fav memory of growing up? Driving around the great state of Utah while listening to conference.... Our children are still too young to do this. There was lots of stops at "historical markers" and a picnic lunch. There was somewhere that we went that had the BEST shakes and burgers.
Also going and getting a fresh Christmas tree with grandpa, we would always get a flocked one (looks like it has snow on it). My aunt and I would take turns getting to make the final decision on which tree went home with us.
love this. i have been thinking a lot about traditions since we got the boog. josh and i didn't really do anything before him besides, well, eat and sleep on holidays. ;)
Maybe your tradition is not having any set traditions but always spicing things up, changing things around. I personally love change so I think it would be fun! You should keep a list of all the non-traditional things you do--I bet it would be an amazing list by the time your kids are teenagers!
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