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Sunday, January 8, 2012


After having the 1:00 PM church time for too many years to count, we finally got the early schedule. Before children we would have moaned and grumbled about getting up early...but now...WE LOVE IT!

When we woke up this morning Paul and I worked together to get our family ready to leave.  Paul was doing baths, while I was getting breakfast ready for everyone.  I picked out clothes, and Paul dressed the boy. It is nice when everything runs smoothly. 

Because Devin still takes two naps {which is lovely}, church will still interfere with a nap...BUT Devin is so much happier.

Which makes all of us much more fun to be around.

Happy Sabbath friends. 2012 just keeps getting better.


Cathy said...

Amen, sister! Especially on days like today when I get to go to a 7:30 meeting and my husband gets the kids ready for church ALL BY HIMSELF. That's the best.

dust and kam said...

Awesome. (and I am jeeeealous!) I am loving that 2012 is starting off as a great year for you! I am even more exciting that it will only get better!

dust and kam said...

**excited** whoops.

Kristina P. said...

Yeah, this is going to be a long year. We haven't had 1 PM in probably 7 years.

Emily said...

I used to hate 1pm church but last year I grew to love it. Slept in until 10am, started getting ready at 11:30am and we were on time for once! Of course, as much as I hate getting up by 7:30am for 9:00am church this year, it's nice to come home, eat lunch and take a nap...and have that all done before 3pm!

Living the Scream said...

We just started 9:00 am and although its hard to get everyone there. I love it! I took a super long nap right when i got home. Whats not to love about that?

Greg and Heather said...

and we're at 1:30. blah. even though i am not a morning person, i love 9am. hopefully with the new building being built we'll be able to change then.