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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

i'm totally diggin'.

I am totally diggin' that Devin loves his big boy underwear, and spends hours in the bathroom sitting on the toilet. I think I need to add a basket full of books to the back of the toilet for his viewing pleasure.

I am totally diggin' berry sherbet with sprite. Think root beer float with totally different flavors, or just think baby shower...because that is what it reminds me of.

I am totally diggin' all the itty bitty baby girl clothes hanging in the closet.

I am totally diggin' our Wii, and how much fun Savannah and I have getting to new worlds and levels. A big high five to Santa Claus for giving her a gift we all enjoy.

I am totally diggin' that we have a mini vacation planned...totally spur of the moment, much needed, and should be a blast.  I am thinking no bed times, lots of junk food, and watching kids swim is in order for this vacation.

I am totally diggin' that I can still fit in my regular jeans.

I am totally diggin' conversation hearts, because when Savannah gets one that says "marry me"...she someone just really asked her.

I am totally diggin' life right now.

What are you totally diggin?


Vanessa said...

I want to know what games you have on the WII! We just got the barbie stylist one and the girls ADORE IT

Heather said...

I'm totally diggin' that my favourite dance teacher (who retired a year ago) is asking for her job back tomorrow!

dust and kam said...

I am considering training Gage. We are almost out of diapers and I don't want to buy more.

I am diggin' ...

(is it a bad sign that I can't come up with anything. I am not even having a bad day)

I am diggin' Gage. He makes me giggle. A lot.
I am diggin' our TV on the wall.
I am diggin' that it might be an easy day at work. *pleeease*
I am diggin' that I cleaned the car out last night.

Melissa said...

I am diggin' that my mail order jeans fit when they arrived.

I am diggin' that my husband ASKED for a list of stuff to do around the house while I'm at work.

kenna said...

i'm diggin' dreams. sometimes they are the closet you can get to what you want, and that's okay.

jayni & ben said...

I am totally diggin this post. I need to go on a mini vacation and eat lots of junk food ;)