Devin got a couple of new pairs of shoes. He has been showing everyone. We went to Paradise Bakery, and he started flirting with the girl behind the counter...and showing her his new shoes. He earned himself free food. Score.
Devin was proud when he cleaned the dirty toilet with his brand new tooth brush. Of course, he even used it after he cleaned. {You can gag, I did.}
Savannah's proud moments...
Savannah has been really working on those monkey bars, and she finally can get about 5 bars in. It is a big deal, and something she is really excited about.
Savannah also received a 100% on her Mexico test. She was so nervous about it, and obviously had nothing to worry about.
{this was a couple of weeks ago. large and in charge!}
Evonne's proud moments...
I have been keeping a really clean house. {Definitely more on this later!}
I asked for help.
{this is our car guy, Wayne. you might remember him from our last car purchase. we love him, and think he is the bestest!}
What Paul's wife thinks are his proud moments...
Paul bought us another car, and got us a sweet deal...after much negotiating. He is really good at buying new cars, if only we had to do it more often. :)
Paul is really good at running his business, and has a real passion for what he does. When things get really screwed up, he manages to still be able to fix it...even when it looks terribly hopeless.
What are you proud of?