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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

snow day.

It is always lovely when Mother Nature decides to cooperate and give us snow on a day that Savannah had off of school. That means not only do I not have to wake up and drive in it, I also let them go outside and play in it before bath time. :)
We weren't really prepared with snow gear for, we improvised with a pair of Savannah's old pink boots, 3 pairs of pants on bottom, and socks for gloves.  The boots may have also been way too big for him, making it so he couldn't walk...or it could have been that he couldn't bend his knees with all the extra layers. Good thing Savannah didn't mind helping him, and Devin still had fun even if he kept falling face first in the snow.


Kristina P. said...

They look like they are having a ball!

kenna said...

we haven't seen so much snow as that down here. so fun! next time i need to bring har. he is dying for some snow time.

Unknown said...

Haha Love how you improvised with Devin. They are too cute! I usually hate playing in the snow but I couldn't refuse when my boys asked me to have a snowball fight with them over the weekend. Best fun I've had in a long time. :)