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Monday, March 5, 2012

keeping us entertained.

Devin is a funny little boy. Even when he is being really naughty, you can't help but laugh.
A few days ago Devin begged to have his toe nails painted. I didn't know a little boy could be so intrigued by black toe nails, but he was. He still hasn't been able to keep his footie pj's on, because he is too busy admiring his painted toes. It could be slightly annoying that every morning he is completely undressed in his crib...but he is just so darn proud of those makes me smile.

We are still struggling with nursery. Gosh darn, I thought we were making improvements. Last week he did make it most of the time, but not by himself. During snack time, he raised his water glass and in his baby voice asked for "more Coke." Um, I didn't stop laughing. I love that kid.
Paul bought a new office mat for our chair. When he moved it, Devin instantly thought the old one was the perfect spot to learn how to break dance.  We both looked over at him busting a move with no music. We decided we aren't going to be spending any money on toys anymore, because it is the silly things that keep him entertained.

Everything is a touch screen, even if it's not. You can find Devin trying to use the Nintendo DS without using the buttons.
Even though his new favorite toy is the baby doll, and he loves to accessorize with a bracelet most days...he loves the boy things like bodily functions, sports, and play fighting with whoever wants to take a punch.


Vanessa Brown said...

seriously with every kid I am thinking more and more....why in the world do I buy toys? Shae has not gotten any...except on Cmas. They honestly don't need them! I want to hear what you have planned for his bday :)

kendahl a. said...

He is so dang cute!