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Friday, April 20, 2012

friday photo phone dump week 2

I joked on one of my pictures on Instagram this week that you can definitely tell I am pregnant by my photo stream...hello food pictures. One day soon it will change to baby pictures instead.

Have you joined in the Instagram fun yet? Leave your info in the comments so that I can follow you.

I decided I like the Friday photo stuff. Except this week Friday came so fast, I didn't even realize it was Friday.

So, here are some of my pictures from the week...

1. A big wig from a large vending distributor flew out from back east to our neck of the woods to meet Paul. Yup, this also makes Paul a big deal. Hard work is paying off left and right for the hubs, and I am really proud.  So, we had a business meeting at a coffee shop, and what I ordered was gross. The end.

2. In the late after when Savannah isn't out of school yet, and Devi is starting to go stir crazy...we have been busting out the hose and such. That boy loves getting wet, and getting down to his diaper. I have a feeling I am going to see a lot more wet clothes drying on the hot cement this Summer.

3. Mint sandwich. Schmidt's Pastry Cottage. When fresh, it is heaven.

4. Stuck in bed. My body and baby aren't liking each other, and haven't been for almost a week. :(

5. Burger King got a face lift. It was much needed, and a little shocking too.

6. Arby's needs to change what that bag says. That place only gives me loads of heart burn, and sleepless nights.

7. Stopping at the movie theater for popcorn...such a good idea.

8. I love that I get a lunch date with my boys every day.

9. I ordered this super cute book from Shutterfly for Savannah.  She is going to be so excited. I am in the process of getting a few things together for Brin to give to her new big brother and sister at the hospital. This book is totally going in Van's gift basket.

10. He is still very much my baby.

11. Marley's. We are finding every excuse to head to Provo to eat those little sliders.

12. Car seat waiting at the front door, bouncy seat loaded with we wait for baby girl.

13. Smashburger...perfect reason to break the Sabbath.

Happy weekend friends. Yet another road trip awaits me in the wee hours of the morning...pray we all survive each other in the car.


dust and kam said...

I can't wait to get a phone with a working camera again. I miss taking random photos.

Loving the Friday photos.

Miss you.

Good luck tomorrow.

Michelle said...

Good luck on the car trip. I don't have instagram or anything cool on my phone. One of these days I will.

kendahl a. said...

Mmmm Marley's! It's been too long since I ate there. Their sliders are so yummy! And the popcorn thing - I make my hubby take me to the theater every Sunday to get me popcorn. I'm addicted to it. You'd think I was pregnant! :P