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Saturday, June 30, 2012

street tacos.

I actually started cooking more in May, shortly after I started my blogging break. We started off saying I had to cook every other day, and then I found myself getting excited about making after school snacks and such...I made Jell-O with fruit in it, and Savannah felt so spoiled {I still find this funny}.

One of my favorite things that I did was get a hands on cooking demo from Vanessa with our mutual friend Sam. Between those two girls, they are rockstars in the kitchen.  
Sam and I learned how to make homemade tortillas and the best carne picada ever. I came home and told Paul that if there is one thing I get jealous of, it is people that can really cook...not fake it like me.  The food she prepared was amazing, and I felt all inspired to start cooking really delicious food like it for my little family.

If you want the recipe for Vanessa's street tacos, it is right here.

I am glad that I have such talented friends that don't mind helping me with what I truly stink at. ;)


Emily said...

I have totally pinned that recipe and can't wait to make it. I may be a wee bit jealous you got a hands-on demo. ;)

Sam Jo said...

It was seriously fun!! And I feel terrible that I haven't texted you all week! I would live to meet Brina this weekend if you are up for it! I will text you when I find my phone...

~kamie~ said...

I love street tacos. a. lot.
I bought some today and they were a major disappoint. I am thinking Vanessa's version is a must do this week.