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Monday, August 27, 2012


We spent our weekend celebrating Sabrina.
She has already taught me so much, and is loved immensely by all of us.

She is the baby I thought I would never get to meet on this earth.

She is the baby girl we knew we were suppose to get.

She is the perfect ending to our family.

We adore this little one, and are lucky she is ours.
Paul gave her a perfect blessing, even though she was crying. I knew if she wasn't sleeping she wouldn't happy...and I was right. I was proud Paul could keep his concentration.
After pictures, we went to Tepanyaki for dinner. Devin has really come out of his little shell with strangers, and instantly made friends with our cook. We all decided to try to catch the flying shrimp...I caught mine without cheating {and instantly spit it out, yucky}. Savannah caught one, the cook was really nice and shot it at her at close range. Paul, Devin, and BFF tried a couple of times, but were unsuccessful...they were still good sports. Okay, so maybe Devin was a little sad when it smacked him in the face instead of going in his mouth.
We went home long enough to change clothes so that we could hit up the arcade to play to end our celebration.

I couldn't help but feel so overwhelmed with joy that this little family is mine.
Paul likes to tease me, because I once thought I would never get an opportunity to have any kids of my own.
3 babies later I definitely realize I was a little impatient and being a tad bit dramatic.


dust and kam said...

love you and your amazing beautiful family. xoxo

Unknown said...

You are a lucky mamma and those kiddos are just as lucky to have you as their mommy.

Cathy said...

That's a perfect family picture. Love it. And I'd spit out the shrimp too. Blech.

kenna said...


kendahl a. said...

Sabrina and Devin look so much alike! It's adorable. Your kids are all so dang cute.

Jerilee E. said...

Beautiful, beautiful family and they are so lucky to have you as their mom! Also, I want shrimp now.

Camille said...

Beautiful children Evonne! I'm so happy for yoU!