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Monday, August 6, 2012

starting tomorrow.

I don't know how many times I have said this, but starting tomorrow I am going to get serious about losing weight. {dun, dun, dun!}

I have had some pretty good excuses the past few years, and now those good excuses have run out. I mean two pregnancies, an IUD, depression, and now...uh, I have none of those.

Since Bri was born I have lost 24 pounds. Don't be too impressed, after all I delivered an 8 pound baby. :)

I have gotten in the habit of late night gas station runs, and those darn chocolate chip cookies I can't stop making have got to stop. Sad panda.

I knew I wanted to watch my progression in this journey so here are my first few pictures of myself...enjoy!
{very pregnant with Bri}
{48 hours after having a baby}
{2 weeks after having a baby}

Now that I have gotten past the 6 weeks of takin' it easy...I am ready to start. Ready or not, I am about to lose 40+ more pounds. Wish me luck.


kendahl a. said...

You already look great. :) Good luck! You can do it!

dust and kam said...

There is nothing I want more than to live closer to you and have a work out buddy. I am seriously 100% ready, but I can't figure out what to do about that. :) But really, I just want to live closer.

Good Luck! I know you can do this!

Unknown said...

You look fabulous! Let's do Zumba..

The Circus said...

You can do it!

Em said...

My getting serious-about-losing-weight-journey started two weeks ago. Today starts week 3, and I have lost at least 2.5 pounds every week (probably more but I am weighing in at about 9-10 pm at night which means I weigh more at that time.) I have been eating about 1400-1500 calories and exercising each day. I go when my kids are in bed, and it is an hour for me. My husband at times has tried to get me to stay home, but I will not. We can do this journey together!

Vanessa Brown said...

Ugh. I don't want to have to start working on this either.

Jerilee E. said...

You are looking amazing :), but you always do.
I'm up for some walking exercise anytime you need a buddy... except my walks usually end at the gas station. I should probably stop doing that.

Emily said...


Jamie Newman said...

You are so awesome. I have a goal to lose 60 lbs. We can do this!

Krystal said...

have I told you lately how much I adore you?! PS -- I totally laughed and choked on my milkshake when I read " Don't be too impressed, after all I delivered an 8 pound baby." -- let me just point out... the very fact that you did indeed DELIVER an 8 pound baby is an accomplishment in and of itself!! You are awesome! Good luck on your journey. If you'd like me to gain some sympathy pounds for you, let me know :) (clearly I have a head start as I'm sitting here with a homemade oreo shake... *hangsheadinshame*)