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Thursday, October 11, 2012


It is true that I am slightly obsessed with pictures, and when I get to have professional family is a lot like Christmas.

After Paul bought these really cute fall outfits for the kids {that he totally picked out without me}, I just knew we had to splurge and get pictures done in them. I realize that we just had pictures done in July...twice...but Sabrina changes daily. {I justify things, roll with it!}
I had zero intention on having Paul and I in the pictures, but then I realized the last time we had family pictures Devin wasn't even walking. It always takes a little begging until Paul finally consents to being in them.

So, the pictures happened today. I woke up early, and everything ran so smoothly...until we got to our location. Dun, dun, duuuun.

I waited until the last possible moment to dress Sabrina. Ya see, she has this problem with her bodily functions. They are unlike anything I have ever experienced...let me give you a quick example...

I packed 6 outfits for our overnight trip to Idaho, that girl came home nekkid. She had pooped on every single one in 36 hours!! It is a problem, and I have tried all possible luck.

So, can you imagine what happened in the 9 miles from our house to the location!? BLOWOUT!! Should I point out her shirt was cream!!!! I almost died when I picked her up out of the carseat.

This is when Paul and I looked at each other, and couldn't help but laugh...and wonder what the heck we were thinking by putting her in the outfit before we got there! Lesson learned...never trust her bowels! Like never, ever.

Even though Sabrina tried to sabotage our family pictures...our photographer wasn't about to let it. While I had Bean nekkid on the grass in 60 degree morning weather, Kim did what she does best...whipped her camera out and took pictures of the entertainment.

In that moment I was so glad that I had hired Kim to take our pictures, she was absolutely just what we needed today. She didn't let a little poop ruin our day, and we made the outfit work. :) Even though no one wanted to hold the baby.

I have always known I loved Kim, I mean we did know each other in Junior High...but today pretty much sealed the deal. We had fun, we felt comfortable, and Paul and I even decided she could totally pull off being his back up wife. I can't wait to see the end result. I am sure the pictures will be amazing, her work always is. AND yes, I am already trying to figure out the next time we can do family pictures...


Emily said...

Can't wait to see them!

Tiffany said...

I totally can't wait to see them!!! Cute shirt for you!!