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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Secret of the Wings

Savannah is so excited to see this movie. We were thrilled when we got the invite to go and see the ADVANCED screening!

Guess what made it all the more exciting?

I get to invite all my readers to join us to see it too! Sweet, right!?

First you have to claim your free tickets here. {Make sure you do this, because we want you to actually get in.}

It will be at Jordan Commons.
Saturday, October 13th.
10:00 AM!!

Come with us...we are making it a date...without the boys! :)


Tina said...

How fun! We can't go (bummer!) because of a soccer game and dance performance that day. Leah would be all over that! But, if you want to continue the partying, you're welcome to come join us at Cornbelly's--Leah will be dancing at 3pm!

The Circus said...

What? That is awesome! Except I would need SIX tickets and it only lets you get up to two... hmmmm... which daughter is my favorite? ;)

Angie said...

I'll be long as this baby stays put!!!! :)