{these two sleeping together, that bum makes me smile.}
I try to do it all, but for some reason or other...I come up a little short. When I go to bed at night my mind always thinks I should just stay up a little longer to clean, but sleep always wins. Everything miraculously is always there when I wake up.
{ picnics as a family with gas station food. :) }
Paul reminds me the kids are happy, he is happy, and that I need to just get over these high expectations I have set. I feel like I am being judged if things aren't perfect, because helllo Evonne what have you done all day long.
Lately I have thought a lot about the memories I am making for my kids. Will the kids remember that our house was never perfect, will they care? Will my kids remember when I have meltdowns about how messy their rooms are? Will my kids remember that instead of playing with them I was always watching from the kitchen as I cleaned?
{teaching my kids to roll down a hill}
My days are quickly passing, and I want to change. I want the best me to be remembered, and I want to make the best memories for my kids. We recently had a lesson in church about a talk that was given by President Uchtdorf in this past October conference called Of Regrets and Resolutions. This lesson came on a Sunday after I had an especially dark couple of days. If you have a spare moment, I think it is pretty awesome. My favorite little part was "leave the past behind and move forward with clean hands, a pure heart, and a determination to do better and especially to become better."
{our juicy baby, getting so big...and so fast!}
I can't change my past, but I can and will change the future.
No regrets.