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Friday, November 30, 2012

being the best.

I think women in general are always our own worst critic. I think I have gotten a lot harder on myself since staying home. On those especially hard days, I tend to look at other woman who appear to do it all...and then I sink lower in to sadness.
{these two sleeping together, that bum makes me smile.}

I try to do it all, but for some reason or other...I come up a little short. When I go to bed at night my mind always thinks I should just stay up a little longer to clean, but sleep always wins. Everything miraculously is always there when I wake up.
{ picnics as a family with gas station food. :) }

Paul reminds me the kids are happy, he is happy, and that I need to just get over these high expectations I have set. I feel like I am being judged if things aren't perfect, because helllo Evonne what have you done all day long.

Lately I have thought a lot about the memories I am making for my kids. Will the kids remember that our house was never perfect, will they care? Will my kids remember when I have meltdowns about how messy their rooms are? Will my kids remember that instead of playing with them I was always watching from the kitchen as I cleaned?
{teaching my kids to roll down a hill}

My days are quickly passing, and I want to change. I want the best me to be remembered, and I want to make the best memories for my kids. We recently had a lesson in church about a talk that was given by President Uchtdorf in this past October conference called Of Regrets and Resolutions. This lesson came on a Sunday after I had an especially dark couple of days. If you have a spare moment, I think it is pretty awesome. My favorite little part was "leave the past behind and move forward with clean hands, a pure heart, and a determination to do better and especially to become better."
{our juicy baby, getting so big...and so fast!}

I can't change my past, but I can and will change the future.

No regrets.


Emily said...

You always know when I need these little reminders. Thank you. (For the record, I think you're awesome. And a clean home is highly overrated.)

Emily Christine said...

Thank you! I needed to read this! Love you!

kendahl a. said...

You are an amazing mother! What you do with your kids will always matter more than how clean your house was, and I know you are wonderful with them. But you are absolutely right, we are our own critics.

Kristina P. said...

You looks beautiful, last night.

dust and kam said...

I am terrible at this. Thank you for the reminder! I need to be a better mother and wife. xoxo

I think you are an amazing mother.

The Circus said...

I'm right there with you.

Unknown said...

I love you! You always say all the right things exactly when I need it. Thank you!!

Sr. Ann Marie said...

I love reading about all the things you do with your children. I doubt that they are even aware if everything isn't exactly in its place. I guess all of us set unbelievably high expectations of ourselves--unrealistic, really. I thing it's great to have goals but it seems to me that living is a lot more important.I'm always so grateful for the wonderful--peaceful--memories I have of my childhood!


i have those days also, but there's nothing i can say about said it all perfectly...:) Thanks for sharing...

Jil ~ said...

Beautifully said! Besides, it's going to be a new beginning in just a few weeks. There's no time like the present to start anew!