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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

memorial day miracle.

The truth is, Sabrina will be one in a few weeks...and I have never left her with anyone but Paul. Even then, I have left her very few times. She has been my little sidekick for the past year. The time has finally come for me to start dating my husband without a 3rd wheel, or 4th wheel, or 5th. What can I say? We usually don't get babysitters.
Fast and Furious 6 came out this past weekend, and we were really excited to go. The stars aligned, and Vanessa offered to watch my 3 while we went. That means she was watching 7 kids under the age of 8. Woooweee. That is a lot of girls + one boy.
{I especially loved seeing this picture on Instagram! Devin rrreally looooves his nails painted, and talked about how Abby painted his fingers and his toes.}

As Paul and I walked in to the theater I will be honest and say it felt weird. As a Mom of 3 you get use to holding little hands, making sure everyone is safely on the sidewalk, opening up all the car doors to unbuckle everyone. When it was just us...I didn't know what to do with myself. BUT I could definitely get use to doing it more often. I mean, I would be lying if I say it wasn't awesome to eat without being worried about spills, making sure everyone was getting what they needed, and actually eating what we bought them.
We shared an ice cream, got cozy, and enjoyed a movie.

It felt so good to just be the two of us. One thing is for sure, 14 years later, I still love that guy of mine.

Definitely not going to wait another year for a date with just him. Anyone want to watch my kids? :)


kendahl a. said...

Good for you! I'd take your kids any time. :)

Emily said...

I will take your little ones and you can see a movie at Jordan Commons--where they have THE BEST scones EVER. We're happy to do manicures. In fact, I have some professional manicurists over here. ;)

Cathy said...


Krystal said...

Awesome! You should trade babysitting with Emily and Josh... I'm sure her kids would have a ball with yours :)