Kyle had named him Tittles, but Devin quickly changed it to Toodle Dog. He warned us that his cat was shy, and since Kyle lives alone...we wondered how this cat would handle us.
Saturday morning he came over to our house with possibly the fattest cat I have ever seen. Clearly Toodle Dog doesn't move much, and eats his feelings. It would be safe to say that he weighs more than 25+ pounds.
The kids wanted to love on Toodle Dog, but all he wants to do is sit in a dark corner...and hope he blends in. We could see the excitement wearing down with the kids, and we feared he would be forgotten about in a few days.
{I should interject here that when I said yes to the cat, I was taking full responsibility for him. I wanted the cat, but thought the kids would have a love for cats, like I already do.}
As soon as Kyle left, Paul and I sat in the basement worrying about this cat. Paul instantly said he wanted to go and buy a kitty, but I didn't realize how serious he was.
Paul left for work with Savannah, and I checked on Toodle Dog a few times...and tried to coax him out. I called to tell Paul the status on our shy cat, and Paul told me he was kitty shopping. I hurried and called our favorite pet store to see if they had any, and was excited to hear that they had 2 babies.
Paul went over to see what the kittens look like, and called not soon after to tell me they didn't like the look of what they had. I wasn't super bummed, because remember I said I didn't think Paul was that serious!?
Paul walked in from the garage like no big deal, and started talking to me...and then guess who jumps around the corner? Savannah holding a box with a kitty making loads of noise. You could have picked my chin up off of the floor, I have never been that surprised. I really had zero idea that he was pulling a fast one on me that entire time.
Out jumped our new baby kitty, Zoe. It was the perfect Mother's Day gift. I fell in love hard, and that kitty fell in love with me too. It's okay to say I had an instant bond with a kitty, right? I realize I sound like a crazy cat lady, I am owning it.
So far Zoe doesn't care about Toodle Dog, and Toodle Dog hasn't come out of hiding...except in the middle of the night.
{This video makes me laugh, because Paul and I were hiding downstairs playing with the cat by ourselves.}
I never knew a family pet could make us all so happy, and make me giggle so much.
Crazy cat lady! LOL!! But Zoe is super cute :) congrats!!
I can't believe it!!!
I'm so happy just from watching your face light up and hearing how much that cat loves you back (PURR, PURR, PURR). That is absolutely the best Mother's Day gift anyone ever got, seriously! I always say, when you think your heart is full, add a kitten.
Also, telling the sex of a kitten...females have about a 1cm gap from anus to reproductive organs and it will look like a slit. Males have about double that distance and a round shape.
Congtatulations on your new fur family!
I was a cat lover once. Yours are super cute.
Ohhh, Zoe is so cute! And welcome to the crazy cat lady club. It's all good. She (or he) obviously loves you.
I hope Toodle Dog warms up to your family, or at least comes out of hiding more often. He is very pretty!
You'll have to love on that kitty for me since I'm seriously allergic to cats. ;)
I was never a cat person until a year ago when we adopted our Tinkers from the shelter. Honestly, that cat has saved my life. She makes me laugh daily, fills my heart up when she wants to snuggle (my kids are "too old" for snuggling) and is simply the sweetest thing on the planet. I am so blessed to have her. She filled the hole in my heart from being unable to have more children so I understand your love for your cats. Gives Toodles Dog some time, he will come out of his shell. :)
How fun, I love cats and Zoe is adorable!! I hope Toodle Dog warms up to you all a little!!
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