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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

1st day of 3rd grade.

I will admit I cry easily. I really try not to, but I am the one holding back tears at back to school night, dropping Van off the first day of school, and her performing in an assembly about does me in. There is just something about watching your child blossom, make goals, enjoy new things, and change from a child to a young lady. It really is special. 
At the Open House meeting her new teacher
I don't get nervous to send Savannah off to school. She is social, a teacher's pet, and excels in this type of environment. I don't have to fight her to do homework, it is the first thing she wants to do when she gets home. When I go to Parent/Teacher Conference they always tell me the same things..."Savannah is a perfectionist, a social butterfly, sensitive." I got lucky with this kid, I really did.
We didn't know much about her teacher this year, but after today she declared her to be the nicest teacher ever! She came home with that spark she only gets from going to school, and it made me happy.
Something about 3rd grade for me is different. Maybe because that is when I really started to remember my school experiences. I hope she makes really good memories, finds awesome new friends, and I think she is most excited about learning cursive. 
As always I am excited to see what the new year brings. It is fun to see how far she has come, and I am so proud of this girl of ours.

1st Grade
2nd Grade


Emily said...

She is going to take the world by storm, my friend.

kendahl a. said...

Oh, that haircut on her is so cute! Please keep it that length forever. Van is such a good kid, so smart and friendly and respectful and adorable.