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Saturday, June 21, 2014

Grandma Sell

A couple of weekends ago we got to have Grandma Sell come and stay with us. It was such a treat. 
Paul and I ran away for some alone time, and Grandma stayed with the kids and did an excellent job entertaining them! I never have to worry about our kids when Grandma is here, it is a good feeling.
Grandma bought Savannah a slip 'n slide, and everyone got to enjoy it. I had purchased a couple of little pots with seeds to plant our own tomatoes and strawberries. When they had left over seeds, we were off to buy more pots and soil. The kids loved doing this project with her. But the thing they look forward to the most with Grandma? Gas station walks. It is the simple things for them.
When kids were all in bed, the adults stayed up way past our normal bedtime to have long chats. I love talking to my Mother in Law, and wish this could happen more often.

When Grandma left, I think Savannah cried for a solid hour. Our kids really are so spoiled when Grandma {and Grandpa} come. 

PS They also were gifted Snackeez, and I am not lyin' when I say I love those darn cups!

PSS I never take enough pictures, and I always regret it.


Cathy said...

Grandmas are awesome.

kendahl a. said...

I am glad things are good between you guys. Grandparents are the best!