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Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Highland Town Center Splash Pad

Even though Savannah has been in school, we have done a few adventures already. What can I say, I have been really excited for this Summer biznass to come. 

So, last week we hit up the Highland Town Center Splash Pad. It was a favorite for us last year, and will be again this year. It is a little far away for us, but totally worth the drive. We got there right at 10:00 AM when the water was just turning on for the day. There weren't very many people, which was a total bonus. 
I like to go and do things like this earlier in the day, because it isn't as busy...or miserably hot. This splash pad doesn't have tons of shade close to the water, so if you get there early, you can also score a sweet spot.
Something I learned last year is to pack lots of random Tupperware/buckets, things to float down the little river, and squirt guns. My kids spend very little time on the actual splash pad, and lots of time filling up cups to dump on each other in the river. It is always funny to me that $1 store bowls can be such a hot item at the splash pad, but they me.
We stayed a record amount of time, I want to say 3+ hours. We stopped across the street for a quick bite to eat, and headed home. It was an awfully quiet, sleepy drive, which is just how I like my adventures to end.


Name: Highland town Center Splash Pad
Address: 5400 W Civic Center Dr Highland, UT
Admission/Cost: n/a


Cathy said...

We stopped across the street for a quick bite to eat...with my favorite person in Utah County thankyouverymuch!

kendahl a. said...

I've never been to this splash pad but I hear lots of good things about it! Your kids are too freaking cute.