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Monday, July 28, 2014

Wicked - Capitol Theater

It was about 6 months ago that the kids and I were listening to Pandora, and the song Popular from Wicked came on. I came right home and bought it, along with a few other songs from the musical. I decided that I must go see it when it came to Salt Lake, and asked Cathy if she wanted to join me. I didn't know much about this musical, and have not been a long time fan, like most. We bought the "cheap seats", and were excited to see what all the buzz was about.
After much discussion, I planned for us to take Trax downtown. We got a quick bite to eat, headed to the station, and waited for our train. While we waited we made our "Mamba teeth". We giggled like we were 12, and I still am giggling at these pictures.
Taking the train was easy, but not necessarily cheaper than parking for the event. It was nice to do something out of our comfort zone. We had a crazy man sit next to us, even though the train was empty. I have never seen a person hold so tight to their purse {Cathy, I am lookin' at you!}.
Wicked did not disappoint, however our seats were not my favorite. I was kicking myself that I didn't buy more expensive tickets. I had 2 little girls talking next to me, and one behind me kicking my seat for most of it. I guess I would have been bugged if I spent even more money, and that had happened. Chalk it up as a learning experience. I would love to hear from people what is the best seats in Capitol Theater to sit in? I want to go again, and have a better experience.
Cathy and I hopped back on the train, and made it home safe and sound. We made a quick stop at the gas station for a late night Coke, and had lovely conversations about nursing, Motherhood, and life. 

I am thankful to have such a supportive husband to stay home to watch our kids, and friends that don't mind going on adventures with me...even though the train almost put her over the edge. 

Wicked, next time I won't go cheap...pinky swear.


Emily Christine said...

I am so glad you went but I do have to say a bit jealous! :)

Unknown said...

There's always a good story with crazy people involved when taking trax. Those teeth are awesome, I think I need some. You are looking good!

Krystal said...

Row N on the side... $35 cheaper than sitting front and center and still an amazing view. Worth every dollar spent! (100 to be exact). Yeah, I did mama Mia up there in the cheap seats... Never again. I love the floor seats for wicked! So glad you got to see it :)

kendahl a. said...

I went to Wicked a few years ago and absolutely loved it! The book is also fantastic, but nothing like the play. It's much darker.

Emily said...

I could see Wicked every year. Someday we need a girls trip to NYC to see it on Broadway. :)

Cathy said...

Just so I don't come off as a total wacko, the driving myself 40 minutes to your house and sitting at the train station in the sweltering afternoon sun put me over the edge. The train and its creepy guys and dumb teenagers were just icing on the cake