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Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Our Drink & Treat Stand.

Last year it was the highlight of our Summer doing a {non} lemonade stand. It had to be repeated. We asked our Cathy if she wanted to do it again, and with a was on the schedule.

Now that I have done it two years in a row, I learned a thing or two. We did do things a bit differently this year, and I don't think our stand was as successful. But we had just as much fun.
This year we didn't do as many baked goods, because of laziness on my part. Those were our best sellers this year, and last. Duly noted, I won't be lazy next year, and I will make the majority of what we sell baked goods.

The vending toys are a huge hit. The kids swarm those little toys, and we had to run home for a refill. 
This year I did buy lemonade, unlike last year. It was one of the favorite drink choices, even if it was in a can. So, I did do something right.

I definitely think this will always be a thing we do, because our kids love it that much. They love working the cash register, and being in charge of the "business" like grown ups. I can only handle doing it once a year though, it is a lot of work.
Thank you to all of our neighbors and friends that make it successful and fun for us. Also, a special thank you to Cathy for helping, and baking the delicious cookies everyone was raving about. Also, photo cred to Cathy on all pictures as well.

We will see ya'll on the corner next Summer.


Emily said...

Wish we could have visited and supported the entrepreneurship. Love that you do this every year with your kids. You're an awesome mom!

kendahl a. said...

I'm so sad I didn't make it this year! It was so fun to visit last year and eat tasty treats.

Cathy said...

High five, my friend. Big freaking high five.