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Wednesday, August 13, 2014

hitting the wall.

I remember "the wall" from last year, and imagine happened to me again. I finally hit that wall of wanting Summer to be over, wanting everything to go back to some sort of normal, and ready to sit on my butt for an entire week to recover. 

Don't be fooled, we have still been playing. Even when I don't have an ounce of energy to do it. We are still going to the park, and still get out the slip and slide, but I am done. I stopped planning play dates, I stopped being really motivated, and I stopped scheduling {I totally wing it}. Honestly, it has felt really good. It makes me less crazy to work around a schedule, and trying to plan around others schedules too.

I didn't realize that Savannah had made a Summer bucket list until a couple of weeks ago. I freaked out a little when I noticed she had 10 or so things still to cross off, one of which was staying in a hotel. I may have also patted myself on the back when 20+ things had been crossed off without me even trying. Glass half full, friends. I am excited to tell you some of the fun things she had on this list that were super easy, and fun!

A little less than 2 weeks left of this Summer gig, I got this.


Cathy said...

Standing ovation to you, my friend.

kendahl a. said...

You're such a great mama!

Emily said...

That is A LOT to have checked off the list. You're amazing! And I've hit the wall too...