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Sunday, March 22, 2009

we will get you!

We have been in business for over 4 years. It doesn't happen very often that our machines get stolen. When it happens, it's a sad day. They are expensive machines, and full of money. Now, don't get any ideas people, we have finally come up with a solution! =)
One of our locations has been giving us "problems". We put a machine in, and it was stolen. We put another machine in, locked it up, and it was still stolen. Can you say employees!? These machines are heavy, and it would be extremely noticeable to just take out of a location without anyone noticing.

Paul went to RadioShack, and found our solution! We will now put GPS tracking devices on our machines. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to have another machine stolen...BUT won't it be cool when we know that it has been taken off of location, and we can catch the "bad guy!" I have definitely been watching too much CSI or something.


Kings said...

heck yea! what is wrong with people? Good idea.

Sarah said...

Very smart!

Christina said...

Such a good idea and I totally think it's the employees too. How funny would someone look just walking around carting a large machine? Do they have cameras at these places?

Cal said...

how in the world do they steal them? I hope that they don't know about your blog or they will find you out. When do you hear if Savannah won?

Unknown said...

AWESOME idea. We don't have as many machines as you...maybe someday. What a brilliant idea.

Amber! said...

SWEET!! My navi system works the same in my car. I pity the fool who tries to steal it! Does it come complete with a bat?