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Thursday, April 16, 2009

bloggin' background

Leisha was a complete stranger as of less than a month ago. Some 40+ e-mails and two IRL meetings...she is my friend. I have this girl to thank for it too!
Leisha is the fabulous designer of my web page.
Leisha asked what my 4 top colors were...and have my web design. It was amazing to me that she designed something that was so me, and we didn't even know each other. She obviously listened to everything I said, because I could not be happier with it.
You have no idea how much she has helped me!! Paul told me that she didn't charge me enough, because I bugged her that much (Sorry Leisha!).
I know you want something just as fabulous for your blog, huh? Check out her site for other recent layouts she has done, and she will create something unique just for you.
I {heart} Leisha!!

1 comment:

Vanessa said...

I love love love the site design perfecto so evonne ;)