You wanna win a new camera that you can throw in your purse and not feel guilty?
Are you too cheap to buy your wife a present?
You want something that reminds you of me every time you take a photo?
Here she is...

If there was ever a time to delurk yourself, now would be it!
Comment on this post for one entry.
*If you want 5 additional about this giveaway,
and include a copy of the URL in your comment.
Contest ends Saturday, May 9th @ Midnight. The winner will be announced on Mother's Day.
My Mom would LOOOVE that camera!! WOO! I hope I win!
I am so doing this. you rock
Me Me!! I am entering for my mommy
My wife does more than she should and is incredible.
Im entering for me LOL I am the queen bee mommy/wife of my house and deserve a nice new camera for all I do!
Wow Evonne! You are so awesome! Great giveaway! :)
I'm in!
This would be awesome for my wife!! She would love to take pictures of the little, I AM super cheap, so it would be killing two birds with one stone!!
Check out the post
Oh Oh Pick me Pick me!! Andrew bless his heart just broke my precious nice camera that I got for my birthday, and so I'm using my cell phone.... And William is playing T-ball and doing karate, and do I have a good picture of him doing either? Nope....
okay let's see if I do this right..
I need a camera for the diaper bag!!! :-)
ohhh me! i would love this camera. just because...i love cameras :) this is great! But I think that Jeff guy above should get it. Anyone that speaks highly of there wife in a comment has my vote!! :)
Wow Evonne!!! I am all about a new camera!! How fun!!
Oh how I wish/hope/dream that the Random thingy picks me! I so need to get with the program and get a camera that doesn't require film! Oh please oh please pick me oh random picker thingy! I really, truely, most definitely want this camera!!!
pick me!
I would love to win that giveaway, a camera WOW! How exciting is that. Who ever wins your giveaway I will be happy for them but I hope its me!!!
This is an awesome giveaway. Seriously.
new camera!!! couldn't get much better!
amazing giveaway! =]
Please! I need a new camera!=)
I'd love to enter if Canadians may.
yo. yo. yo. i wanna new camera!! you are the bomb dizzle for shizzle!!
Just discovered your blog cos Jayni (above) advertised it... Looks like a great blog... Look forward to reading more about your 'Party of 3'!!
Sweet! I'm in. Can you give me a day or two to blog about it, though? We are recooping from 104 degree temps over here.
Wow what a great thing! I could really use a camera to just put in my purse!
I am hoping that I am the lucky one! Such a fun giveaway! Can't wait to see who wins! Good luck to all! :)
I need that camera :)
Oh pick me !!! I know my Mom needs a new camera!
this would be so rockin'
Everyone would love a new camera!!! I bought a camera a year or so ago and strayed from the canon and it was the worst thing I ever did! I have been dreaming of a canon camera ever since! Please pick me!!!!! ( I am Jayni's friend in case you were wondering who I am!)
What a cute blog! You are too funny! I enjoyed chatting with you last night too. Good luck with your giveaway! I'll post something on my blog for you.
Pick me! paul.suzie(at)
Found your blog through Kami's blog, and I think this is a great idea! I would totally love a new camera to take cute pictures of our baby after we adopt! You're too cool!
My mom would love a new camera!
Are you kidding me? You are awesome! I am without a doubt blogging about this.
I want a new camera! :)
Thi is just what our family needs! Pick me!
I am entering again for my little prego sister, Megan. (this is Amber)
a new camera would be perfect for kandid pictures of our new baby what ever it is.... :)YAY
Love the idea! Thanks Em Parry for blogging about it! Now I will too!
My Mom could definitely use a new camera! Thanks for doing this!
I so totally want to win! Thanks for a great giveaway!
I am in desperate need of new camera. I would LOVE to win!
Great blog! I have two little girls and no camera! I have to keep begging digital photos from everyone else. It would be great to have one of my own!
Pick me Pick me Pick me! YOU ARE AWESOME!!
What a spectacular give away! I'm enjoying reading your blog. Especially love your blooming artist!
I'm on a roll today...I am entering everyone's give aways...So hopefully I will win one of them!!
I'm entering myself. Just in case Mom's Day is missed this year at my house...
I am always wishing I had a camera when I am at the park or shopping with my daughter. She is too cute to not be photographed!
I posted about you too!!
By the way, the yellow camera? DARLING!!
Oh I would love a camera just for me. What a fun giveaway.
Yay! I hope I win! I hope I win!
I would love a new camera! Our "purse" camera was stolen :(
OMG-this is a COOL camera. I would love to have this for my vacation in Sept!! I bet it takes some great pics!
I'm kamies sister...i hear about you and your adorable daughter all the time, thought i'd drop on and say hello. By the way that drawing by your daughter is hillarious..don't you just love kids!!!! my blog is its private but i will make a post and if you want to be added let me or Kamie know. P.S. love the camera!
Um...there are probably already too many comments to even make this count at this point but oh well I'll give it a shot! I DESPERATELY NEED THIS CAMERA! :)
Even though we're professional photogs, point and shoot is the way to go for casual family outings and little things kids do around the house! My current camera's shutter doesn't open without me physically opening it! So i'm definitely interested! I never win these giveaways, but here's to hoping!
and for those extra points...
Margaret wants to win this camera soooo badly!!! Please pick me oh number picker thingy. If I don't win I'll be so sad but good luck to all that entered, but I am so winning!!!!
Pick me! Pick me! Awesome giveaway!
Way cool giveaway! I'm ready for my daughter to have her own camera.
Pick me! Thanks to Jill for advertising about your giveaway!
yay for canon, and yellow! :)
I'm afraid I'm with The Fifes on this one, I tend to never win, but what have we got to lose?!
I've also blogged about this contest; although, I'm almost sure no one really reads my blog. Sorry. I really tried!
awesome!! Hope i win!!
blogged it @
Pick me! Pick me!
This Jacee- I love your blog!!
Just found out about the giveaway from my daughter, Callee.
Did I comment? I really need this baby...maybe I would take more pics of my kiddos? is so pretty too.
just came across your blog, would love this camera, I'm always afraid of breaking the "family camera" so one for my pocket and purse would be awesome....come to think of it my mom could actually use this, hum I hope I win.
I could use a little camera to have in my classtoom..I teach UPK and we're always snapping pics with our dinosaur of a digital camera I hope I win!!! Oh and think of all the mom's who would LOVE nice pics of their kids at school! :)
What a cool giveaway! I just stumbled upon your blog. Really cute!
I would love to win this camera!
I guess I forgot to leave my URL!
This would be the perfect Mother's Day present! Our camera died (the battery keeps running down almost instantly, even though we've replaced it), so we've been having to take photos using our video camera. We take the video, then convert screen captures to still photos. It doesn't make for good printed photos, so we would love a new camera! Thank you for the giveaway!!
ceevegnashville [at] gmail [dot] com
Blogged about here:
ceevegnashville [at] gmail [dot] com
i would love to give this to my mom, she would love it!
OoO! What a pretty camera! Thanks for entering me into this giveaway.
What a fun and functional gift! Thanks.
What mom could not use a camera.
ldsmom2201 at yahoo dot com
Jessica would love this. She can't exactly put her Rebel in her pocket.
I would love to win!!!
OMG I would be thrilled to win this. I don't have a nice camera like this. It would come in handy for an upcoming vacation as well as the start of my new at home business I am starting! :) Thank you so much.
shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com
Ohhh.. fun! Thanks for this great giveaway!
I'd love this!
babygoodbuys at gmail dot com
I would love to get this for my mom so she does not carry around her disposable camera anymore! :)
I know just who I would give this camera to =)
Nice! My camera is falling apart! I've heard really great things about Cannon...and it would make my Mother's Day! :)
I'd love to win this for my wife. The battery in her camera is dying and this would be a great way to get her a newer camera without paying for an expensive battery.
this would rock!
elkesten at yahoo dot com
If I won this, I would gift it to one of the strong women in my life: my sister.
Last Christmas my mom got me a camera. It's definitely time that I return the favor!
I would LOVE to win that!
Nice camera. I would love to have it.
This would make a perfect gift! Thanks for the chance.
talonsmom731 at gmail dot com
I would love a camera that turned on!! Tomorrow is my birthday! What a great 30th bday present that would be, huh? Not to mention mom's day!
I blogged about your giveaway!
I would love to win this giveaway!
I am entering this fun contest, I NEED A CAMERA!!! You can tell by looking at my blogspot which I did put your giveaway on.
I need a new camera! I posted on my blog
Wow! What a great giveaway!
Wow, I would LOVE this :)
Pick me! Pick me! Pick me!
I want to win! I want to win!
I so need a digital camera! I so need THIS digital camera!
Did I mention that I want to win?
My camera just Died~So this would be so Awesome!!
Thanks so much for the chance:)
My wife would be very happy with a camera of the quality that Canon delivers. She has not had good luck with her past 2 cameras by Kodak.
Our Kindergarten Teacher broke her camera :( I would luv to Win this for her!!
Pls enter me! thanks!
that is an awesome camera! please enter me in the drawing! :)
The Daily Planet
I blogged ya: Coolest Contests, Hottest Carnivals Amanda
The Daily Planet
Great camera! Thanks for the giveaway and keep up the good work!
I need this camera sooooo bad.
This would be so perfect for us! Our camara went ka-put on us and the only feature that still works is the video camera, which is good, but I can't take pictures!
Would love to win for my mom
dctm at bellsouth dot net
I would love to win! Thanks!
I'd love to win this camera for my Mom! My dad has taken over her digital camera. This would be great for her. Thanks for the chance!
I've been wanting a new camera for so long now.
I need a good camera and that one is awesome!! My current camera kind of sucks, to be perfectly honest, and I'd love a new one like that to take great pics of my 3 boys:) Happy Mother's Day:)
I would love to win this for my mom. She's using a dinky little Kodak that takes just awful pictures. She's getting remarried soon and I think this would be fantastic for her to take on her honeymoon!
Your blog is SO cute!! And of course I'd love to win this! Thanks!
oh pleast please please pick me! my mom would love that camera!
-Carli S
i would love this camera.
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
I would love to win this camera and love it in my purse, thanks
blogged #1
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My daughter keeps borrowing my camera, and keeping it for extended periods...I get it back now and then between her borrowings...If I win this, she can keep it, since she pretty much has already. =)
My mom would so LOVE this camera!
Now this is what I call a give away!!!! I'll keep my fingers crossed!!!
Blogged about the giveaway!
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