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Thursday, April 30, 2009

a decade...

of wedded bliss.
This year was as hard as our first year (Did I mention our 1st year was HARD!?). We fell apart, picked the pieces back up, and some how came out of it more in love and stronger.
This is the year that I figured out why I married Paul.

Paul loves, loves, loves me, and is probably the most loyal person you will ever meet. Paul is the only one in this world that really looks out for me, his #1. I am really sensitive, and Paul understands. Paul will go to the mall, and never miss looking at the D&B purses to update me on what is new. Paul is okay with going and doing girly stuff with me. What is there not to love, right? We have played hundreds of rounds of mini golf.
We have traveled to multiple states.
We have gone on so many walks, you can't count.
We have moved 4 times.
We have done many duets. We have our favorite.
We have been poor, very poor!
We have gone to the theater to see hundreds of movies.
We have cried together.
We have taken thousands of pictures of us!
We brought Van into this world together.
We have fought.
We have made up.
We haven't gone to enough concerts, but have eaten out too much!
We started a business, but Paul needs all the credit for this.
We conquered depression, and I still haven't figured out weight loss. =)
I paint Paul's toe nails, and Paul massages my dry feet.
Paul pumps my gas for me almost every single time, and I clean his toilet.

Paul is my protector, my comforter, my BEST friend.

I tear up just writing this. Seriously. I am so in love with him.

This is the song I am listening to while I sit and right this...

Reba Mcentire
Til I Said It To You

Sometimes I said it when I really didn't mean it
Just to throw away a promise I knew wasn't true
It meant a little less to me everytime I did it
But I never said I love you from the heart
'Til I said it to you

You made me tell you the truth
And that truth was a total revelation
I see I have it in me
Now I can speak without any hesitation
I love you comes so freely
For the first time I believe me.

Once upon a time I was engaged to another boy. I was making bad choices, because I had little to no guidance. Paul found me, literally. He was a missionary. He was my saving grace. I would not be where I am at today without him. I have achieved so much, because he believes in me. He believes in US!
I can't wait for the next decade, because something tells me that it's goin' to be good. Another child, maybe even two. ;) Many more vacations, walks, duets, and movies!
Paul, I will go anywhere, as long as it's with you! I am madlly in love!
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Emily Christine said...

Happy 10th anniversary! What an incredible milestone! I look up to the two of you more than you know! You really are an AWESOME duo! Thanks for being such a good example to me over the years! I love you guys!

Hailee said...

Happy Anniversary!! Very cute post!! You guys are great. We can't wait for the next baby (or maybe two)!! We LOVE new cousins.

The Girardo Family said...

Happy 10th Anniversary. I got all teary eyed reading this, I can be such a baby sometimes.

Brenda said...

Love the pictures...I can't believe you posted THAT ONE! Time has gone by so quickly! I am so happy that you are truely in love. Happy Anniversary!

Kings said...

yea, that is so exciting. I'm happy for you guys. Love you two!

Tiffany said...

WOW! Congrats on 10 years!! What an awesome milestone! Good job on marrying such a keeper!!

Christina said...

What a great tribute to your best friend. Congrats on 10 years!

Richter's said...

Congrats!! that one picture was taken on my property for your surprise baby shower, that was a great time. Paul didnt think so though, but he got over it.. We will have to do that again sometime!!

Unknown said...

Love has me all teary eyed. Evonne, it was SUPER good to see you tonight, let's get together soon so we can talk like we need to. Oh and how jealous am I that you won the giftcard? VERY! Loves...what a perfect end to a ten year anniversary! Loves.

Amber! said...

I LOVE that picture of Paul as a missionary. Haven't seen him so red in the face before! You guys are so great. Love ya and happy anniversary!

Tarahh77 said...

Hi, my name is Tara and I have stalked your blog from Callee's.(we are friends and were nannies together way back in the day) I laughed so hard that you guys met. How funny! I LOVED this post. I cried at the way you expressed yourself, I LOVE your honesty. I just wanted to tell you I love your blog and Thank you for posting things like this that touch total strangers and if it's okay with you I will keep on reading.