Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
santa has been by our house...
straight up magic
We rented a movie tonight. While Van was up stairs watching it, and Vin was fast asleep...I decided I could start getting some of Vin's presents out from Grandma and Auntie Jill and Uncle Vince. Van came downstairs, and noticed a few toys that she hadn't known we had for Vin. She looked up at me with bright eyes and said...
"Mom, I think Santa was here. I think because he realized I wasn't asleep he only got some of it done!"
I couldn't bring myself to disappoint her, and I thought this would be a good way to get her to go to sleep quickly! ;)
It didn't stop there.
We walked into the kitchen, and Vin had thrown up...and I hadn't noticed.
This is where it becomes priceless...
"Mom, oh my gosh...this is snow. He tracked snow in our house. I gotta go to bed RIGHT NOW!"
I love her innocence. I love that she believes.
I love her.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
little does she know.
I have noticed something my MIL gives to our children for holidays...blankets! I don't think she even realizes how many good memories it brings to my mind.
Thank you Mom for doing this, and not even realizing how much I adore it.
There is nothing like snuggling my babies up in a blanket from Grandma!
PS yes, I peeked in Vin's bag of presents...and yes, he is getting a blanket! ;)
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
teacher christmas gifts part 3
Buy a bottle of water or a gallon...if you are feeling really generous! =)
Put a tag on it.
The tag should read...
I tried to build you a snowman in the heat of the day.
All I got was Merry Christmas anyway.
That's all.
Easy peasy...right!
Monday, December 20, 2010
Yellow Belt - Tae Kwon Do
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Speaking of standing, I love to stand in my crib too. I stand and wait patiently for whoever will come to rescue me.
I have conquered 7 teeth, and not so gracefully. Give me a break, it hurts!
Friday, December 17, 2010
Our Glimpse of Santa

Thursday, December 16, 2010
The Juppy Baby Walker
Just when I think they can not come up with another thing for babies...some person who is pure genius does!
Let me be the first to tell you about the Juppy Walker. If you already have heard of this or own it...shame on you for not telling me.
What is a Juppy Walker you ask? You know when your baby likes to stand up non stop? You know when you baby is learning to walk so you must lean over to hold said baby's hands? You know how it kills your back?
This solves that problem...
- It saves your back from aching.
- Vin loves it, because he thinks he is doing it all by himself, making him feel all sorts of independent.
- The straps are adjustable so short people like me or tall people like Paul can use it.
- Worried it won't fit on your baby? I say to this...if it fits around Vin's thighs, it will fit on any baby! =)
disclaimer: I did receive a free Juppy! =) and if you comment you can be entered to get one for free too!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
teacher christmas gifts part 2
This is what I call "The French Fry Box"...imagine that...because it is a french fry box!
You can either go to your local Mickey D's and use the actual french fry box as a pattern, or I can always send you the one I have.
Then you can assemble it.
Put the cute shredded paper in the bottom.
Go to Winco (my favorite place for bulk food) and buy candy.
Put the candy in a cute little cellophane baggie with a cute ribbon. If you do this option, you wouldn't necessarily need to put the whole french fry box in the cellophane baggie.
If you wanted to put the whole french fry box in the cellophane baggie, I like putting the little travel size lotions from Bath and Body Works in it. Then you could put some cheese-E saying like "Have a SCENTsational season!"
Like I said before, you could do this for neighbors, friends,'s not just for teachers, but Van's teachers will be getting a little gift every week until Christmas!
I have another small gift idea I will be sharing soon...stay tuned!
Monday, December 13, 2010
the UPS store GIVEAWAY!

With Paul owning his business we get a lot of packages delivered. So, it shouldn't be shocking to any of you that I know my UPS driver by name (hi, Norm). He knows my children's names, and is over the top polite to Van...doing some sort of bow, and telling her she is a princess every time she comes to the door!
In the past week you have probably heard me shouting from the rooftops that I am DONE WITH MY CHRISTMAS SHOPPING...AND EVERYTHING IS SHIPPED! Even I am still in shock that I did it, because after all it the FIRST time ever!!
My last package went out on Thursday from my local UPS store, and will be in my Sista's hott little hands by Tuesday. I don't think that she believed that I shipped it, until she got an email notification with her tracking number. =)
Why do I ship UPS?
#1 reason - tracking number & quickness
#2 reason - insurance included
#3 reason - they taped up my box, because they are nice
#4 reason - I hope everyone has a nice delivery man like I do...
#5 reason - I did like that they sent an email notification to my Sista!
I understand if not everyone is on the ball like I am *giggle*, and you haven't gotten your Christmas packages sent out. I am hear with some good news...
They would like to offer you to ship a package via UPS Ground service, under 30lbs in the continental US, with a box dimension approx 24Lx16Wx13H or under.
Mandatory entry -must like FACEBOOK must ship from a UTAH store...
other entries...
tell your friends to "like" the UPS store on Facebook
follow @TheUPSStoreUTAH on twitter
tweet about giveaway
blog about this giveaway
Leave a seperate comment for everything that you have done. =)
*disclosure: I was given free shipping on one of my packages, but you should know I only speak the truth!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
teacher christmas gifts part 1
I told you that I was going to the American Crafts warehouse sale (which, by the way, is still going on until the 18th). After you see this cute little gift, and see how much I me you will want to head down to Orem (in Utah, of course!) yourself.
These cute little 6X6 photo albums with 10 sheet protectors in them were my ultimate find.
I made little notes for her teachers that said "I think you are a "picture" perfect teacher!" on them...with coordinating paper, of course!! Super easy, and if they never do anything with them I won't feel know why? I spent a whopping $7 for 6 albums!!
If you don't have a teacher to give one to, I thought they would make great friend gifts...just take teacher off, and put friend in it!
Stay tuned for my next teacher gift idea, and this one would definitely work for neighbor and friend gifts too!
Monday, December 6, 2010
blogging can be like highschool.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
How do you buy for Christmas?
This is the first year I feel prepared with my gift giving, and it's only the first week of December. I'm talkin' we already took the kids to sit on Santa's lap and all. It is an amazing feeling...probably not one I will feel very I am relishing it.
Every year I analyze how we buy for Christmas. I like to watch what everyone else does. Some people go super practical with underwear, socks, and those snow pants they needed anyways. Then there are those "other" people who go all out, and throw caution to the wind buying Blue Ray players, the new Xbox Kinect, and flat screen TV stands for all those new flat screen TVs they HAD to have for every room.
I like to think we are somewhere in between these two kinds of people...which is honestly where I like to be. Very few practical things are purchased, a budget is set, and we buy either the toy Van wants or something comparable. Oh, and everything comes from Santa! =)
So, how does Christmas work in your house?
Friday, December 3, 2010
Progresso Soup
If you would like a set of telephone soup cans so you can make your own commercial comment away...and you will get a great Progresso Soup prize pack! =)
Happy Friday.
*my prize pack as well as the one I will give away are from Progresso through My Blog Spark!
At the end of my pregnancy with Vin, I was extremely depressed. I had went away...for awhile. Then gradually I started feeling depressed again. It was scary for me, but I think it scared Paul more. It scared Paul so badly that he made me call the Doctor, and while making that phone call I cried trying to tell them I needed to come in sooner than later. Not one of my finer moments.
I got drugs.
I debated on whether to take them...and then I did it.
I started on antidepressants.
I started off by not wanting to tell anyone, and I still haven't told everyone (hi, sista!). I was a little embarassed that I needed "help" to get out of my baby blues. I then did what I do best...I joked about it, and made fun of myself for it. Then I went through "Oh, I am just fine", and went off of them. Then I went crazy again, and Paul lovingly asked me if I had stopped taking them. =) Now I am back to being someone I love...for the most part!
and guess what?
It's the Best. Thing. I. Have. Done.
I guess this is just another lesson of never say never.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
When Van was a baby we were addicted to buying little dresses. She didn't wear the same dress to church for the first 2 years of her life! I thought that we would never get addicted to anything for Vin, except maybe toys. Boys clothes are just not as fun. I am proud to say that after a few months...we have found our addiction for Vin. PAJAMAS!
This kid has so many jammies. It is always fun to see what new jammies he has on when I come home from work. Just last week I think he got 4 new sets. It is ridiculous...ridiculously fun that is!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
American Crafts Warehouse Sale

Tuesday, November 30, 2010
if you look close, it's not just a mess.