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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

teacher christmas gifts part 1

Since I don't really have time to scrap book with a crazy crawling baby, I have definitely found my creative outlet in small projects for Van's teachers.

I told you that I was going to the American Crafts warehouse sale (which, by the way, is still going on until the 18th). After you see this cute little gift, and see how much I me you will want to head down to Orem (in Utah, of course!) yourself.

These cute little 6X6 photo albums with 10 sheet protectors in them were my ultimate find.
I made little notes for her teachers that said "I think you are a "picture" perfect teacher!" on them...with coordinating paper, of course!! Super easy, and if they never do anything with them I won't feel know why? I spent a whopping $7 for 6 albums!!

If you don't have a teacher to give one to, I thought they would make great friend gifts...just take teacher off, and put friend in it!

Stay tuned for my next teacher gift idea, and this one would definitely work for neighbor and friend gifts too!


Jerilee E. said...

Those are so cute! You are so creative :).

Cal said...

Maybe you should start selling some of these for people that aren't crafty (like me) to buy!!! I would buy them then the teachers would think I was cool.

Rebecca said...

Very cute. I always admire people with scrapbooking skills because I have no ability in that area.

calcrz said...

Way, WAY cute!! You are creative! Did they have any fabulous scrapbook paper size 12x12 by chance? Paper is my severe weakness.

Unknown said...

Ok, I seriously love you! I spent days last year surfing the Internet for ideas to give to Andy's preschool teacher and never found a dang thing that was cool. You have already given me 2 super cool ideas!

I made the brown bag card you showed us for Thanksgiving...LOVED IT! I'm already adding "Go to Orem" to my checklist for next week. THANK YOU!